
This is not correct. I am a reddit mod, and none of our tools have been reinstated or are functional. And it’s not for lack of trying. I’m wondering how we’re “landed gentry” if we do all of this for the love of the topics we moderate—hours of work a week (sometimes hours a day) unpaid. Simply to have organized,

Landed gentry generally got money from what they did.

Delete all your comment history and back it up with

This person needs to not be CEO anymore. Once you start treating your users and largest contributors as the enemy instead of assets, it’s all over.

I haven’t seen anything that said they’ve acquiesced on anything. Is there a source on that? Also, the native Reddit app has many long standing flaws besides just the moderation tools.

Well there was the USS Archer in the first episode of Strange New Worlds

We only have to look at other works, namely hundreds if not thousands of interpretations of Shakespeare to see examples of this.”

Man of Steel doesn’t even feel like a Superman movie to me.

I love the Arctic Cops. Like, sure, there’s a station in Camp Barneo just waiting in case there are arctic crimes.

We’ve discussed this multiple times before, but I did sone thinking since last time, I think you’re missing a part of the puzzle. While I do agree that fictional characters are extremely flexible, I think you err in assuming there is no limit to their flexibility. Because clearly there is a limit, otherwise being a “Su

How far does that logic actually extend though? Like, if I sat down and wrote a story about the day-to-day life of an auto-mechanic named Steve, but I titled the story “Superman”, would you defend it as a valid interpretation?

While it’s true that there’s no “one true” version of any character, there are some characters or franchises which are so tied to particular ideas that if you’re telling a story with them and not sticking to those core ideas then your story needs to be reacting against or commenting on them. Superman is conceptually a

PLEASE don’t describe Snyder as a victim of the failure of the DCEU films. While it’s certainly justifiable to empathize with the personal issues that he went through at the time, from the professional side of things as a director and producer he was well paid for films that lots of people didn’t like. He wasn’t a

It was fine. Not good. Not horrible. Fine.

Never Forget Tornadocide

Two things made me absolutely hate the film. Both involve the portrayal of Jonathan Kent.

“Man of Steel” (2013) is a joyless and misguided adaptation, lacking charm, character development, and emotional depth. The excessive destruction and convoluted narrative fail to engage, resulting in a disappointing and uninspired portrayal of Superman. Avoid it for a true depiction of the iconic character.

I hate this movie so much it made me skip an entire decade long film universe.

This is a good thing. I’ve given the Kelvin timeline the benefit of doubt, even when other Trekkies reflexively hated it, but it was all downhill after the reboot. Into Darkness was the Wrath of Khan remake nobody asked for and Beyond was a waste of Idris Elba’s time and talent.

As someone who has had to deal with executives and marketing announcing things that were in no way a done deal, I feel for the folks involved. But also, I have never once seen a project that was overpromised in this way come to a good end.