
50 years is still a long time! ;-) You’re quite right. My comment was ill considered. (I will say though that it seems the animated and live action properties—with some exceptions such as Lois & Clark—due tend to go back to the status quo of Superman not being married). Anyway, if the show is intending to appeal to

I know that “trying to expose the superhero’s secret identity” is a time-worn trope in comic books, but it seems like it’s been especially overused in Superman comics for the past 80+ years.

> Shea Wingham

Extra old cheddar. Regular cheddar is fine in a pinch, but it can be a little bland.

I want to laugh my arse off that young workers naively assume online privacy when using work accounts. But then I humbly remember that when I started using email at my first job way back in the *cough* 1990s, I mistakenly assumed the same thing.

Good tips. Another one is: Completely stop talking. Offer no feedback on what they say, not even an “mmm-hmm”, or “yes”. Remain expressionless. Don’t nod or smile. This makes some folks uncomfortable enough to finally wrap things up.

No Hulu in Canada* but apparently it will be landing on Disney+ there.

I’ve been using the beta for quite a few months. I really like it. I never give out my primary address, because I would like to keep that one absolutely “spam-free”. I only use the burner addresses. Should one of those ever become compromised, it is easy to deactivate.

I’m shocked, *shocked* that a rumour backed up with tons of “evidence” (i.e. flimsy party anecdotes tainted by confirmation bias) is a load of cow plop.

The hose analogy is quite good.

Great to know. On a similar note, if you’re reading on iPad, hold the device in portrait orientation, and the slideshow changes to a scrollable article.

“I stopped watching the f**king Oscars years ago” — God

Yes, the joke was a dud. But if he was improvising, I cut him some slack. A good host improvises on live TV. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Gotta take the bad with the good I guess. Otherwise we don’t get gems like Amy Schumer’s “I was backstage doing a costume change, did I miss anything?”

I hope someone got fired for not making the kid blonder.

Oh dear. Then give it a new title. I have no problem with adaptations tweaking almost anything. But try to leave the original theme, the story’s reason for being, alone.

See also: customer support representatives at a call center.

The character “Joe Bookman” (library detective) from Seinfeld seems like a parody of Joe Friday amped up a few notches, where his utter disgust with non-conformity is freely expressed.

Try this with just about any fast food burger and fries. Most of them are loaded with sodium which acts as a preservative. It’s not really surprising they can easily dry out over time and not decompose. But sure let’s single out McD’s for clicks and giggles. 

You know those insipid “family windows stickers” on the backs of cars? There should be one for DINKS that shows a happy couple, maybe a couple of dogs, and a big fucking pile of money.

Good list.