
Well the author was pointing out one of the main attractions of airline funding for the project or at least to get the airlines to STOP their 20 year resistance , to high speed rail, with the carrot of getting consumers to see their logo, persumely at level crossings while motorists are stuck in traffic!!!

can you read logos at trains doing 300 MPH???

They use flyovers and Under passes..NOT Railway crossings with barriers and lights. You get me?



Firstly..Stop calling me Michael like I know you.

LOL...Shout all you want to mr ITG..

You are a sick troll

You weren't able to find anything about the UDF..

"and every road intersection the train crosses would be an advertising opportunity. "

Nice try dipshit.

Great Price..All the way..An interesting easy classic to own.

UFF are part of UDA.. And the others are UVF.....Other "unionist"terrorists are RHC..LVF Ulster Resistance. The UFF and UVF were the most active although in the Glananne Gang they used the cover name of Protestant Action Force, volunteers etc.

You "lived" there did you?

I know plenty,.

I have done many times..They are nothing but quislings...And I tell them that frequently. And when they are not out urinating on Catholic churches or setting up Ulster Resistance and been armed by the British state and Colluding with the FRU who set up "exclusion Zones" to allow Unionists to murder with impunity.

You mean Bae...That the company that delivered Eurofighter about 20 years late and over budget?

There is no "complexities" British are imperialists...I don't see any complexities there.

It's irrelevant..The Uk is irrelevant..The IRA went to China in the 1950's to get weapons..The Chinese declined to supply them..Because the idea to them of resisting British Imperialism which was a memory even by 1950, was not worth a penny candle to the Chinese when the USA was their main concern and of course the

Sorry Bud,...I don't view the World through British Imperial eyes..Never Did..Never Will do.