Display Name Robert

Durnsville, Indiana is pretty far from Boston. If anything, she’ll probably have a Wisconsin or southern accent.


Julianne Moore.

Sisko: “EDDINGTON!!” *shakes fist at the badlands*

The Tuvix episode was heartbreaking.

If I were a Starfleet officer I would want to serve on her ship more than the other captains. Janeway>Sisko>Picard>Kirk>Future Captain Ensign Kim>Neelix>Jar Jar Binks> a tuna sandwich>Captain Archer

Or that Data is a woman beater...

Sisko is only against bakeries that make cakes for the Dominion. That’s where he draws the line.

Apparently she is anti-abortion due to catholicism but also considers herself a feminist? I just prefer to think of Captain Janeway as a different person than Kate Mulgrew. Capt. Janeway 4Lyfe!

So the person who aborted Tuvix for the sake of Tuvak and Neelix is against abortion?

damn, you know a surprising amount about Star Trek? Are you a trekkie?

Pretty sure Janeway is anti-abortion though.

The crazy fundie members of my family went to the Creation “Museum” this spring, and one of them started talking about it as I raised the first bite of the Easter dinner I had slaved over.

Seriously. I’m an atheist, and I’ve always wanted to go to the Creationism museum just to see it in all of its crazyasfuck glory. I just have never had a good reason to be in Kentucky.

I don’t understand why this is a one star review. Doesn’t dinosaur with a saddle immediately propel it to 5 stars?

I always fly Delta, but once I got stuck with a Southwest flight. It wasn’t great, but I will say that the flight attendants were boss as fuck. It was a Las Vegas to Salt Lake City flight, and when they did their safety demonstration, they were all like, “If the plane crashes in this desert we’re flying over, you can

Actually, FAs don’t get overtime. If they were cancelling the flight that means that the crew had been working for the last 14-16 hours.

The expensive Hi-Fi VCR you bought in 1985 won't play Blu-Ray discs either. Poor you.

Am I high or do all of the images look the same? The dudes have slightly more flushed cheeks in the before images and that's about it.

I started off wet shaving, but my beard hair grows in every which direction, so I had to use lots of small strokes in all kinds of directions, to get it all. Doing so meant a lot of the time I was also shaving against the grain. This ended up causing my face to get torn to shreds. I switched to electric, which was