You know what's a real inconvenience? Lawsuits.
You know what's a real inconvenience? Lawsuits.
“Tea. Earl Gray. Hot.” - Mr. Kirk
CAPTAIN Jean Luc Picard.
“Borg, y’all done fucked up.” -Jean-Luc Picard
As the late, great Maya Angelou once said, “Y’all done fucked up.”
“Y’all done fucked up.” -SneezingGlitter
I live for BCO.
"I don't need to justify how I earn a living any more than you do."
Apparently the solution being proposed by the town’s leaders is to cut off the head of Lucy and replace it with another, more suitable, head. As if she were a fucking gorgon. Or Jebidiah Springfield.
If idiot bigoted clueless pizza shop owners can become millionaires through donations from their kind, I think a crowdfunded proper Lucy statue should be a cinch.
Neil Patrick Harris.
What a good show.
That show deserved more seasons.
Dead Like Me, bringing people together all over the Internet!