Display Name Robert

In 2004 I purchased my '03 Wrangler TJ used and the previous owner had been stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska. Keep in mind I'm in Anchorage, AK. It gets Soooo much colder in Fairbanks than Anchorage. So he'd installed an engine block heater (standard AK necessity), an oil pan heater and a transmission fluid heater.

it didn't suck.. But this type of thing could have gone so so so badly.. Let's not encourage it.

until you said lobster, I thought you were talking about a friend I've known for 20+ years.

May their soles rest in peace.

I know.. I commented over there and am relieved to have the sanity over here on Jez. It was funny, creative and even if you've only seen the NBC version of the office and think Tim is Jim - it's still awesome!

I was impressed also!

You're a genius, HarryMuff!


Hidden dolls... That's how you get Chucky.

I lavad this reference!

huh. That's an idea I'd never considered.

I like you, you've got spirit.

No.. Just that more companies need to treat their employees like Moo Cluck Moo (can't believe I get to write that). I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't eat McDonalds or even just eat at home.

You're paying for non mass produced quality. I have no idea how much a McDonald's #1 - 27 cost but a quality meal at $9 beats a mass produced meal for $6 (randomly selected estimate of a McMeal)

Alaska has a pretty high cost of living curve. SF might be higher for housing in that specific city but if you actually compare buying apples to apples.. Min wage in Alaska is horrible


Being a member of Club 49 is a pretty sweet deal! They also give you the "Fly now" coupons (two I think) that can be used for a 30% discount on last minute flights out of AK.

Beef? You mean those poor (also delicious) bred to slaughter cows? Horribly abused factory farm animals that only see a good day when they're put through the meat grinder?!?

As someone who has grown up and still lives in Alaska.. I disagree but you're entitled to your own opinion. Bringing tourists up here for hunting is cost prohibitive for most folk. Travel here, cost of a guide (if you need one) and a $400/$500 Moose tag (plus nonres license)..