Robert Johns

Semi-secret part of the seat? Doesn’t everyone use that lever to loosen the straps every time you get your kid out. After getting my kid in the seat and pulling the strap to tighten the strap, I almost always grab the plastic chest clip and pull it to make sure the straps are tight enough. If the cam lock for the

TurboTax (and other software, presumably) specifically provides advice on how do reduce your tax burden, how to avoid paying AMT, how to properly handle business losses, etc. So they definitely advise on how to do things differently in the future. They also have forums, chat service, etc. to provide assistance. In

TurboTax obviously can’t get specific, but neither can your Mom, most likely. TurboTax does ask specific questions about whether business expenses were incurred and whether they’re deductible. They also also if you have an investment account that you didn’t receive tax forms from. Most tax professionals don’t know

Perhaps a trust for the benefit of the children would make sense. The trust could be identified as the contingent beneficiary. A little added security that the money would go where it’s supposed to.

Shia genocide. You might want to research it.

Selective outrage? You have no idea if I was outraged or not over the ban on Cuban refugees. But, but, but, that guy did something bad too. I don’t care about partisan politics. Is the action right or wrong? You are allowed to condemn more than one action by Republicans and Democrats.

The genocide includes Muslims. Your position is anti-American and unpatriotic. If you don’t like America, you should leave.

Thanks for the correction. By the way, I get why you think this will make us safer. I obviously disagree. Even if this did make us safer by some percentage, my concern is the increasing ceding of freedoms and moving towards a more authoritarian government in the name of safety and protection of U.S. citizens. I

Anti-american, unpatriotic, unconstitutional act that should be condemned for what it is.

You call me a dipshit and then proceed to say a bunch of stuff that doesn’t dispute anything in my previous comment. Are you disputing that the Obama administration was vetting refugees and visa applications from the 7 countries? Based on what evidence?

Uhhh, Giuliani, an adviser to Trump, stated that Trump asked him to come up with a legal Muslim ban. Trump himself gave an interview saying that Christians will be preferred over Muslims. Trump also said Obama administration gave preferential treatment to Muslim refugees over Christian ones, which has been proven to

Locking your door does not take away anyone’s rights. The ban has already taken away rights and freedom from people with legal visas. People who have served our country. People how help make this country better. The ban is not going to help stop radicalization; it will make it worse. If you want to feel safer

“Nevertheless, this temporary moratorium on 7 countries is not a “Muslim ban.” There are 43 other Muslim countries that are not affected. A “Muslim ban” would also have included those countries. So enough with the propaganda.”

Trump campaigned on banning Muslims and called it as such. He gave an interview about giving preferentially status to Christian refugees. His executive order only applies to Muslim-majority countries. You don’t think this is a ban on Muslims? If there was any hope that it would be constitutional, Trump would have

Cabs are cars too. Equal protection for all automobiles.

In view of the all of the rhetoric from Trump, you don’t think this is targeted at Muslims? Trump gave an interview about providing preferential treatment to Christian refugees. He discussed banning Muslims during his campaign and the current executive order bans travel in the U.S. from Muslim-majority countries.

Dude, the current (or prior) vetting process required lots of waiting. There was a vetting process in place for refugees and visas. No one is advocating for a system where refugees and visa applications are not vetted. That’s not what we had and that’s not what anyone wanted.

Hot take: He knew his fare included Elway the whole time and named Elway #1 to grift a bigger tip.

I think you have to have an appreciation that the closing may fall through, but not preparing at all? I don’t think that’s really prudent either. Every situation is different. If you wait to put your own house on the market until after you close, you are going to carry two houses for a few months at least. That’s