
This seems more an issue with the interviewer than Hillary. I do like that Chelsea wasn’t going to play the interviewers game and was direct.

This is classic TERF/transphobe tactics: find the most extreme possible example, get someone who is casually ok with trans folks to go along with it, and then try to portray them as agreeing with you. Hillary Clinton has actually worked to measurably improve trans lies, I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt

Seriously, who asked for this?

The sudden turn into Christian zealot is what concerns me. I hope the two little girls dont have to grow up with the body shaming crap that follows


It’s like I’ve always said: if you eat a stranger’s ass in the parking lot before the game, your mouth will probably taste like ass afterwards.

I’m getting really bad vibes from where Kanyes thinking seems to be headed. And I've seen enough patriarchal nonsense to last a lifetime. Kim, run girl and apply for sole custody 

As an aside, I believe John Lennon also later expressed regret for this song. 

“Gravel Shoes”

The one who you don’t not so secretly lust over.

His response: Tiffany who???

Jalen Hurts is suddenly exploring his professional options in baseball.

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...


People who follow this world know that Phil Griffin has been the problem with MSNBC since they hired him. Any problem you can trace with the change in MSNBC can be traced back up to him and his “vision” for the network. Time’s up.

Editor: Sir, this is an Arby’s.

I gave that comment a Like. Not because I agree with you, but for being probably the only Trump supporter out there who knows how to use a semi-colon.

In news that may or may not be related, Dabo says he is happy now because he finally feels like he has a big penis.

I debated whether I should tell this story, partly because it’s different than a haunting or ghost story, and partly because my boyfriend and I told a few friends about this shortly after it happened, and to say they were skeptical would be an understatement. But this is one of the most unnerving and unexplainable

Sleep paralysis = the source of a lot of the scary stories! Oh well. I think the reason it goes away for people in their mid-late 20s is that for many people that’s the age when they start sleeping on more of a schedule and not staying up super late and trying to make up for it with naps.