Eh, I’m okay with something like that if it leads to more charges later. Remember the old thing about Al Capone’s arrest, after all.
Eh, I’m okay with something like that if it leads to more charges later. Remember the old thing about Al Capone’s arrest, after all.
Too late. I’m jazzed as heck, my friend. I don’t care what Manafort goes down for as long as he does.
Joyous Mueller Day, everyone!
Yeah it does.
I don’t know.
Can we give her a medal? I would just like to thank her in some way.
I’m sure it’s just because he respects Vlad too much to be mean to him (eye roll)
It’s been entertaining to watch these people who went bezerk for 8 years, when Obama so much as wore a tan suit, clutch their pearls and get all faint at the lack civility that people are showing towards Trump because, even if you don’t like him or his actions, you still have to respect the office.
From here on out, whenever I hear “God Bless the USA”, I will think of her.
You can always tell which car Trump is in because the suspension is buckling from his fat ass.
The Jerruh rules with an iron fist. Woe be the player who challenges his authoritah.
Bob McNair cheered when Robert Redford’s character got fired in “Brubaker.”
I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of…
In a prison movie prison warden McNair would order a lockdown, and vow to break the ringleaders as a lesson to the others.
It’s almost as though these owners see their teams as the modern day plantations and their players the modern day cotton pickers. What a surprise!
I hope they’re not distracted by the few players who were so feckless that they refused to kneel even after their team owner likened them to criminals.
I’ve lived in Houston for almost 20 years and successfully not given a shit about the Texans since they came into existence. I’m now a fan. Fuck McNair.
Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!