I’m sure being the drain the swamp kind of guy he is, Trump will soon step in, fire Zinke, and cancel the contract to show this kind of corruption won’t be tolerated in his “For the common man” administration.
I’m sure being the drain the swamp kind of guy he is, Trump will soon step in, fire Zinke, and cancel the contract to show this kind of corruption won’t be tolerated in his “For the common man” administration.
$322/hr, plus $80 per diem and $332/night lodging allowance somewhere like Puerto Rico where you can eat and stay for less than $100/day, total? Jesus, what an obvious scam. They’re literally not even remotely trying to hide the kleptocracy anymore, it’s just a free-for-all cash grab at this point.
That’s Trumps world, can only handle 2 minute national security briefings, my ADHD brother pays better attention.
Well that’s the last time Trump will tweet about Michael Moore.
Beautiful. I can’t wait to read Donnie Two Scoops’ meltdown tomorrow after the indictments start to drop. What’s the over/under on White House staffers batting the phone away from Trump tomorrow?
The picture with inept Jared is a nice touch. This is how it is done folks.
TMZ helped elect corrupt/racist/sexist/disgusting to the White House. Fuck ‘em.
TMZ supports Trump.
Are you fucking kidding me? Uh, Ted Nugent literally threatened to shoot Harry Reid and kill Obama and Clinton. Yeah, this is fucking unfair.
At least she’s a beacon of something better than TMZ
Because TMZ is some beacon of something that is wrong in this world.
TMZ is the worst. I’m firmly on Kathy Griffin’s side on this one.
If by “close to” you mean “exactly like” then i agree with you.
Fuck off Sergei.
Around five years ago, I was a TA for an undergraduate literature course that had 300 students; there were two TAs and our job was mostly to do grading (sigh) and hand out exams and set up PowerPoints and stuff of that nature. Basically, assist the professor in all manner of tedium while she lectured. Due to a…
This happened to me about ten years ago while I was attending college at West Virginia University. At the time, I was really into backcountry camping, which for reasons that will become obvious, I am not into anymore. One of the benefits (actually probably the only benefit) of attending college in West Virginia was…