
I’ve said before, Patrick. The best way to avoid drowning is to stay away from water. Water is the #1 cause of drowning. Let that sink in for a minute. People are told to avoid texting and driving because it can be dangerous. But, no one ever tells you to avoid bodies of water. Maybe the time is finally ripe to start

Now, scull your hands back and forth, or move your hands, palms down, in a circular motion under the surface of the water. While you do that, use a modified frog kick—not a scissor kick—to help keep your head above water as well.

When will people stop calling Young Blue Eyes up there Woody Allen’s kid?

Okay, so the “unethical” thing is especially bullshit, right? Journalists aren’t lawyers. If there is some conflict that might arguably introduce some bias to the reporting, isn’t the only “ethical” requirement (if it can be even called a question of ethics) to note that potential conflict in the story?

Bean farmer done what? Climbed onto a fucking tractor and sat in an air conditioned cab for 6 hours a day, burbling along listening to AM radio reminding them how great they are every 8 minutes? While a temporarily-convenient glut of illegals does all the actual hard work that “the hard-working American farmer” gets

That’s amazing - it looks like the trees start smoking and spontaneously lite even before you see embers. Thanks for posting.

Now playing

Most people underestimate just how quickly a firestorm can travel. This video is in normal time, not sped up (see timestamp in lower left corner).

I am a descendent of farm people. I’ve spent many family gatherings with farm people. Farm people are amongst the stupidest, most ignorant people you can deal with. They’re renewable coal miners. They aren’t an accurate sample of society.

Of course you can get vineyard signs, only they will read “FUCK THE ANTHEM GET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I BURN TO DEATH”.

“The Fuhrer is a complicated guy. Sure, some folks call him a monster, but I had tea with him at Eagle Nest in Berchtesgaden, and we talked dogs, vegetarian cuisine and city planning — never once did he threaten to exterminate every member of my family, gas me, or invade my property and leave it a smoldering ruin of

Old white guy destroys crops to make wrong point only other idiots agree with.

Damon never asked the times to kill the story. He called the reporter to find out why Weinstein asked him to call her and that was it. He admitted to vouch in for an Italian filmaker, that’s it. And his account was confirmed by the reporter today or yesterday.

Also Julian Assange - hiding out in an embassy for five years to avoid rape charges - calling out the “fake feminists” (like Hillary Clinton of course) who haven’t condemned Weinstein yet.

Also, McGowan is attacking basically every person who has ever worked in any capacity with Harvey, and LINDSAY LOHAN is the one she goes easy on?

He raped a ton of women but at the same time had interests other than rape. Truly a man of contrasts.


Have we gotten to the bottom of the real issue here? (I’m talking about why the fuck Lindsay Lohan talks like that now)

I decline Rose Mcgowan’s offer to go easy on Lindsay Lohan, I think she’s a dipshit. All of the “why didn’t Hillary or the Obama’s say anything?” is disingenuous bs, they were busy being politicians and I doubt were informed of Hollywood gossip. Anyone making this a political or liberal issue should be quiet. It’s not

I may get some flack for this, but I think that Harvey Weinstein is a bad person.

You missed Chris Cillliza and the political news media turning this into a story about...Hillary Clinton and something something something....who the fuck even knows? They hate her, and she must answer for everyone’s crimes! But only when they ask her, every other time she must hide in a forest and shut the fuck up.