
Affleck’s story isn’t nearly good enough to make him a front runner. The people demand a real A-Grade molester for the highest public office.

Surprised they didn’t include that weird drunken interview he did when he was making the woman interviewing him sit on his lap and is hugging her and complimenting her. That’s bound to come back up now with all the buzz around these stories.

Wait, can you not see the headbands??

There’s something inherently wack about tennis players acting like bad boys. You’re playing tennis tough guy, let’s get real.

Exactly. I don’t know why we attach a gender to things like this. It creates a divide, which is what we’re trying to prevent.

I approve of these colors.

And there is another side to this... actual studies have found that marijuana caused drivers to slow down and in many cases, DRIVE MORE SAFELY.

Trump knows he’s a shallow fuckwit and he’ll go down in history, not only as the most despised president, but as the most despised person on the planet. In his mind, the only way to salvage his legacy is to drum up some imaginary enemy and start a war. This is his “tough guy” mindset; that he will be the one who took

I may be a solipsist but I find it difficult to believe that anybody actually cares about US Men’s Soccer, it’s like seeing a bunch of people anguishing over another medal shutout for the US Men’s Winter Olympics Biathlon Team.


a 27-year-old guy in Vero Beach who was hospitalized with second- and third-degree burns

They prefer to be called ‘little people’.

That’s kind of where I am. It’s starting to feel like a witch hunt atmosphere instead of one where people are actively looking for solutions.

“In a seemingly unnecessary justification,...”

wow. That was really bad.

That was wiggiddy wiggiddy wack.

All we know for certain is that Matt Damon has not denied trying to kill Harvey Weinstein.