I have a 2015 Tacoma with roughly 50K on it. Looks to be going for nearly what I bought it for. Love that resale value. Yours was a 2014?
I have a 2015 Tacoma with roughly 50K on it. Looks to be going for nearly what I bought it for. Love that resale value. Yours was a 2014?
Surely no innocent person would flee! Time to watch the airports I guess. Or just arrest him now.
I’m half expecting Russia to facilitate this through a diplomatic flight. Not so much that they think he’s a valuable asset, but that it was cause hand wringing in the US.
I totally agree with you, but you cannot disregard the years of Pop Warner, High School, College, practice, etc...
I wonder why they give notice they’re going to indict. Like, don’t you want to make it a surprise so he doesn’t disappear or destroy any evidence?
This ^^.
You couldn’t pay me to read those stories, but I just wanted to say: the length of this post is horrifying.
Magary is gonna come take a shit on your desk for moving in on his schtick
It does. Trump’s pardon powers only extend to federal crimes. Thanks to our wonderful system of federalism, state crimes cannot be pardoned by the president. Rumors are that Mueller is sharing all relevant info with the NY AG’s office and using that leverage against Manafort.
I’m surprised Anton Chigurh thought he could hide in plain sight just by getting a new corporate wardrobe and haircut.
As someone who adores my partner, an RN in a very busy ER, I just want to say fuck that nurse who turned them in. I hope he/she catches every miserable infectious disease that passes though their department.
As a nation, we have truly lost our way.
i have no words. the inhumanity of this is fucking stunning. and this is still the first year of this nightmare of an administration. this attitude and approach by federal agencies is only going to get worse.
Yesterday I commented on the article about the deaf man being shot and I asked, “Is every day going to be a shittier version of the day before?” I asked, and the universe delivered, unfortunately.
Well? Are great again, yet?
Don’t worry. Republicans only support federalism when it suits their needs like for health care and gun control laws.
Ah, the days before the internet when rumors like that could spread with impunity. I also remember hearing one saying that he (Manson) had his lower ribs removed so he could have the skills the Mooch said Bannon has.
Please refrain from sending me unsolicited texts and emails
Parker and Stone said explicitly that they weren’t going to tackle Trump this season. So, were they just lying about that, or what?
I’ve always wondered how many private parcels of real estate abut our border with Mexico. I’d like to see the total cost of all those eminent domain cases. It will be a letigious cluster fuck. Not to mention, the building of a fence, wall, etc. typically signals the establishment of a desired boundary on the part of…