Trump’s strong “I know you are but what am I?” response is sure to convince the undecideds that he can act presidential.
Trump’s strong “I know you are but what am I?” response is sure to convince the undecideds that he can act presidential.
An Incomplete List Of Things That Will Make Me, A Guy, Want To Fuck:
“Consider yourself lucky, bud.”
the only thing pasta makes me want to fuck is some REM cycles
A pretty good way to get a dude to fuck u is to be like “Yo dude, you wanna fuck or what?”
The same article also mentioned him buying a $600K vacation home, which probably won’t sit well with the proletariat...
SHOCKED. I’m SHOCKED that a group of people who have displayed a limited understanding of political efficacy and the systems of American democracy would throw a temper tantrum that could possibly undermine their supposed savior candidate’s political organizing effort! S H O C K E D.
It’s worth remembering that a lot of the “hostility” in the leaked DNC emails was due to the fact that Debbie Wasserman Schultz hated Jeff Weaver too.
I agree, but some people like her writing. I’ve heard the word “transcendent” used, to which I respond by immediately vomiting on the person who said it
I greatly enjoyed the Sanders die-hards during the convention who were so focused and zealous that their tone became “the biggest impediment to Bernie Sanders being elected is Bernie Sanders and if it wasn’t for Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic candidate for president right now. Down with Bernie…
Most people go through a period, either in high school or college, where they (i) read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged; (ii) mistakenly assume that they themselves are the Howard Roark/John Galt characters in their worlds; and (iii) act like self-righteous assholes for a while. Then they grow up, recognize the…
Poor Elon. Those sound like they were written by a fourteen-year-old with an agonizing crush.
Right? Normally when I found out a potential love interest in Ayn Rand... I run away. -_-
Counterpoint: the Elon story is A++++++!!!
Elon Musk, the eccentric, car-loving billionaire whose childhood was famously chronicled in the 2001 Steven Spielberg film A.I
Does everyone automatically judge people who enjoy Ayn Rand, or is it just me? I know she was great at prose... but isn’t that like saying you appreciate Hitler for his oratory skills?
How many dates does one go on with Elon Musk before he takes you home to meet his mothership?
But it’s about to happen over a Trump candidacy.
This would never have happened under a Trump presidency.