
What made the situation worse is the fact that my son's mother is a fucking New England transplant and I had to listen to her talk a bunch of garbage about how the Patriots are the best and the Vikes suck. She doesn't even follow sports, even though she sports every single one of Boston's team logos on bumper stickers

Fucking Favre. That year was the worst. I spent a good portion of my life hating him with a passion, and I was convinced he was washed up when they signed him. Of course, he proceeds to have by far the best year of his career, capped by the most Favre pass of all time to lose to the Saints. I wish his second season

Fixed that for you, Drew.

I was in a bar in Portland surrounded by insufferable Seattle fans. Seattle fans living in Portland are the epitomy of shitty sports fans. Its a city that collectively says fuck sports but every sunday a bunch of tightjeaned, bearded idiots trot from the coffee house to have a PBR and pretend they can name one other

Gather ‘round, friends. It’s time for Drew’s Annual Suicide Note.

Not NEARLY enough about Favre. Not only did he continue the Vikes’ history of failure, but EVERY SINGLE Packer fan knew he was getting picked off by the Bounty Hunters. I called it to a roomful of friends before the ball had left his fingers.

Same here.

How about CTEball?

All of those benefits sound like negatives.

A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says
“Why the long face?”

I know there’s something we can do. They haven’t been around forever, and I believe the mask is really coming off this election season as to just how morally corrupt they are. They need to face consequences.

This public douchery is all an elaborate ploy for Bush, who is campaigning to play W in American Crime Story: Katrina.

I really want Fox News brought to its knees. I want the whole organization reamed out of the ground and sent off on a ice floe. They’ve helped create an environment that made Donald Trump possible, and now, to be actively promoting him, lying to people, catering to their worst instincts? They’re depraved. They’re

Since handing out death sentences for media organizations seems to be très de mode, maybe the guillotine can shorten Fox News next, seeing as they seem to have institutionally abetted major felonies and all.

Andrea Mackris is shocked.

Hey, Ray Milland!

It’s not really a question of whether or not she “deserved”this environment. The fact is: you live by the sword, you die by the sword. If you successfully promote evil; you will eventually be affected by the evil you helped to create. Is this reality “deserved” or “fair”? I just do not think it matters how you, me or

It’s not sexual immorality. They are simply purging their genitals, so they can better serve the children of America. Kind of like how swimmers like Ryan Lochte will capture and drown a drifter the night before a competition. You need to go a little haywire in your element if you expect to endure it. This is why Fox

When virtually all of the bloggers are solidly in the bag for one candidate in the primary- to the point of delusion, really. Bernie had lost as of Super Tuesday, if you follow politics and the numbers enough, yet the coverage here was all about Bernie’s chances! - then don’t expect your beloved candidate’s opponent