On Super Tuesday the coverage here was Bernie wins in Oklahoma. No, I’m not kidding. And that a Kardashian thought Super Tuesday was a sale.
On Super Tuesday the coverage here was Bernie wins in Oklahoma. No, I’m not kidding. And that a Kardashian thought Super Tuesday was a sale.
Who am I, Bill O’Reilly? I’ll leave the wife beating to the experts.
They're all at work you dumb Mick. Now put down the whiskey and go punch your wife or one of your 7 children.
What’s wrong with these white thugs? It’s white culture. Where are the white fathers!? Sad! And the man who would be president, Donald Trump, he can’t even help his own people, convince his own people to respect the rules and follow the law!
Why the Jeep and not something more similar to the other cars but also inherently American, like a muscle car or a CTS-V.
Thanks a lot. Now Hillary will never visit us.
Untoasted Frosted Strawberry is all that there is in life.
Frosted Strawberry or get the fudge out.
+Type 2
Wake me up when they make “Oops! All Frosting!"
You are a fucking monster and should be vivisected for the good of society
Stopped reading at ‘Unfrosted’.
Friendliest presidential candidate? Weird. I thought she was a liar with no stamina and dysphasia.
Mentally insane people. And it’s working, they’re eating this shit up. My new craigslist roommate was going on and on about Hillary’s health last night. I lock my bedroom door at night now
I’m actually starting to think that every awful thing that has happened this year is God punishing us for CNN’s news coverage.
The thing is, this is kind of a strange attack. What’s the point they’re trying to make? Who is going to watch this and think “Hilary might be really sick! I should vote for the mentally insane person instead”?