
Then we would’ve been spared Celine screeching some horseshit noise

Well, they were going to the bottom of the ocean, and that’s really the core problem right there. They should have been going to a port instead.

I feel like the choices just get worse after they hit the iceberg. Why didn’t they just not sink? Salt water makes everything buoyant and for fuck’s sake, that’s a BOAT. What’s more buoyant than that? I feel like they weren’t even trying to get to America or wherever they were going.

“Instead Of Hitting The Iceberg, The Titanic Should Have Gone Around It”

I prefer the story about how James Cameron almost let Ed Harris drown when filming The Abyss, so Ed Harris punched him in the face.

I keep having bouts of anxiety and depression over it, to the point where I wonder if I should go to the doctor, and I’ve never been diagnosed with depression. My husband was very understanding while I was sobbing the other night. But then the next day, he gingerly mentioned that he was worried about me being so upset

me too, I was very freaked last week after Stone’s comments. BUT I read an NPR story about it, and they ended with a comforting thought.

We have somehow gotten to the point where every not-entirely-provably-false thing he says or every 12 hours he manages not to say anything at all is some sort of “turning point.” I don’t understand why people keep acting like it matters that he managed to read one prepared speech endorsing establishment candidates. If

palin was never charged w anything after giffords was shot, even tho her website called dems ‘targets’ and used crosshairs as icons for where the dems were in upcoming races.

She’s got the votes. It’s a question of whether or not she’ll survive... or they’ll accept the results.

I’m going to very carefully list the states that go red in November and then plan to never live in those states (...again. I’m in one of those states sadly)

Clinton better win by a goddamned landslide.

That’s what stuns me so much about this election. The sheer number of Republicans who seem gob smacked by Trump and his followers. Why? How? 8 years ago they accepted the Tea Party with open arms. They voted in the Bachman’s, the Cruz’s and the Huckabee’s of the country. The Jindal’s and the Walker’s. Every one of

Somebody probably should have told you that Horse People have lots of money, probably went to a good school, and have lots of time to write spicy hot takes.

These are much more fun if you read them with Tina Belcher’s voice in mind.

Well. Ann Romney certain has a lot of time on her hands to think up personas and then write letters as them.

Lindsay seems nice.

Just throwing this one out here: I realize that one must always support women who are dealing with harassment. At the same time, Tantaros has gone out of her way to mock and demean others on-air who suffered sexual harassment. It’s funny how she suddenly comes forward when the shoe’s on the other foot, isn’t it?

“Ditka is nothing more than Donald Trump, Sports Edition.”

Old Man Yells at Chair