Fat Cats are the best cats, they are too fat to get up to no good so they just chill and cuddle.
Fat Cats are the best cats, they are too fat to get up to no good so they just chill and cuddle.
Omg that’s some incredible shit right there. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this kind of guilty pleasure before.
This is awful.
God damn, stop feeding your cat so much food. Hopefully his parents will put it on a diet before its joints turn to shit. GO CUBS!
They go straight for the face and testicles.
I know its wrong but those gifs made me laugh so hard I cried. My husband thinks I’m a terrible person. I swear, I love animals. I don’t know why these gifs are so damn funny.
Human needs both arms and a windup to pitch raccoon down flight of stairs.
I could watch this all day.
Throwing raccoons like ninja stars is a long recognized American sport, I'll have you know.
OH sure. It’s real unless it applies these fools who are Bernie or Bust, then, it’s totally not the reason they’d rather have an orange dictator as president. Right. Sure. So convinced.
You’re someone who prefers to complain rather than find reasonable solutions. Do you also purchase lottery tickets?
I love how you always pretend sexism isn’t real. It’s so charming in a gross, extraordinarily stupid way.
She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.
It would be amazing if newly elected President Hillary Clinton sics the justice department on Baylor and its president, Ken Starr.
The absurdity if this entire thing is that Ken Starr was the president of Baylor University. The same Ken Starr that went after Bill Clinton for having a consensual sexual relationship.
Trump breathes oxygen like the rest of us but he exhales pure bullshit.
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a…
Maybe that Caitlyn Jenner is still an asshole like them?
There is no better signal to the world that you are total asshole than wearing fur.