
Ah, reading through all of these comments and I’m so fucking mad I fell asleep. I woke up to a bunch of missed calls from my parents and my mom, who sees Hillary as a personal hero as well, texted me and was like “She did it!!”Drats, wtf I can’t believe I fell asleep. I’ve read through her speech and I’m excited to

Whether it was intentional or inadvertent, I think she did a great job of explaining why she’s not the warm and fuzzy type by mentioning again and again that her mother brought her up to take it like a man essentially (should be changed to bad ass from now on.) But, really, I get the sense that Hillary may be super

So excited!! But also, if you guys decide to do another live blog on Jezebel, can you not invite the Gawker dudes? They were so horrendously repulsive that I quit the live blog after about 20 minutes. I get enough lady hate from living in the south, and living in America in general. I don’t need it in my safe place.

Why are so many white straight liberal men scared of her? Most commentary from women, POC, and LGBTQAI have been very accepting. Like her platform is as liberal as it gets nor did she steal the election. She earned 3 million more votes!

All the Never Hillarys with the “you don’t know what you’ll get with her, I know what I’ll get with Trump.” And I’m like, what, excuse me? What? It’s madness. If anything we’ll get the my shrewd and pragmatic president of our lifetime. As opposed to a guy whoplans on having his VP (Mike Fucking Pence for Fucks sake

I honestly thought she was immensely likable and I was really impressed with the weave of the speech. It veered smoothly from policy to rhetoric to her story as fluidly as I have ever seen her do.

Her speech reached my parents and me.

GO HILL! She did a fantastic job out there. I’m reading too many awful comments tonight and I’m terrified that it’s not going to be enough but trying to coast on all of the amazing speeches from this week.

I cannot even picture what is going to happen at these debates. WTF is Trump even going to say? He can barely string words together to form a coherent sentence!

Yeah, Captain Khan’s father was just brutal... I feel so badly for him and his wife and two other sons.

Yes, but there is a lot of speculation that he will back out of the debates.


I heard the same commentary and felt annoyed too.

You mean Hillary isn't as good a speaker as one of the greatest American orators of the last century? Seriously, UGH.

I mean, they’re right, but his oratory skills are special. Extraordinary. Comparing her oratory skills to Bush or McCain or Romney would be a more fair comparison.

Watching CNN and PBS. Commentators are saying it was not the greatest speech, but she hit a few stong points that were memorable like attackingTrump’s temperament and his claim last week that he “alone can fix America.” They are basically saying she is no Obama in terms of his soaring rhetoric.

I’m not going to say I cried but I also didn’t not cry.

I am so happy. And so excited. That was phenomenal.