If Kim’s ass weighs less than 300 lbs. - Trump wins again.
If Kim’s ass weighs less than 300 lbs. - Trump wins again.
Hard call. Is the criteria - Size of ass?
Yes I seriously don’t believe it because it is bullshit.
Ground gunner # 1 in about to be infiltrated by CIA / spec. ops country:
“Well, Shannon’s mom: I certainly beg to differ!” - Mrs. Newton
I think everybody has noticed that. Just don’t think anybody has figured out what it means yet. (It means something)
There is a theory going around that those guys (and Charlotte herself being high level plant) might not even be Delos - but a rival corp. pulling of a tech heist.
Man, this place grades on a really hard curve for this show.
As long as they are not shot in the actual brain, they boot down into some kind of safe mode so that they can be repaired and and reawakened fresh and ready for action.
That particular women, I would absolutly believe.
We know it does work on humans. We have seen the flesh welder work on....uh..not Felix.
Since he is the owner and head of a company that perfected the ability to print organs (in humans as well as hosts. Remember the guy trying to thank him for saving his daughter’s life and the flesh welder works on humans as well) and thus make people almost immortal anyway. It is quite possible he himself is as much…
“Yet because 90% of people over 45 do not get this, while also controlling executive and managerial positions in media, he won’t face the backlash”
For some reason, I really liked it a lot more in this viewing.
In thinking about it, what made the first one eventually become so popular was - the problems with the story somehow lent themselves to the gauzy dream like quality of the visual affect of the movie itself.
Didn’t see the video, but did it begin George asking Rudy something like this:?
Glocks don’t. And they are all the rage in LEO world since - forever?
Would have been funnier if it had discharged into his butt cheek before falling to the ground - and then discharged again into the ground for more Benny Hill like effect.
HBO ran Blade Runner 2049. This was my first viewing after my original two (did not see it in theatre but rented and watched twice back to back).
I made it to about 2:30.