
he’s right. that’s more of an indictment of in-and-out than praise for fatburger.

Hey! i grew up in northampton! nothing wrong with it, especially if you like culture, college towns, lesbians, and hippies.

funny enough there have been studies done on this very question (in the atlanta area) and wouldn’t you know it: people’s beliefs that a bigger house/pool will make them happier despite a longer commute are wrong. people get sadder the longer they commute, whatever house they live in.

i on the other hand have no NDA so i can say:

and nick, soon enough this very website will give breathless coverage to an NCAA football game, or March Madness [TM] as if NONE OF WHAT YOU WROTE MATTERS. the split personality of this site in terms of both the NFL and the NCAA is truly becoming untenable. i don’t get it anymore.

so, again: we know this stuff is bad. we know, in part, because you report on all sorts of terrible things about the NCAA, the NFL, and football generally. yet still you will do some dumb sub coverage as well, BECAUSE CLICKS.

or, and hear me out here—maybe a site that regularly points out the hypocrisy and evil of the NCAA means that hell no, it’s not time to get on any bandwagon or signal boost an organization whose evil i’ve learned so much about here at deadspin. or are we supposed to pretend you haven’t written those things? or worse,

i continue to be confused by deadspin’s football takes. you, drew and so on. mostly drew, i guess. you have identified the horror that football visits on the vast majority of those who play it, you’ve noted that its feeder system, the NCAA, is the closest thing we have to slavery around, and yet you still cover the

saw it last night. it’s totally entertaining and enjoyable, and the allegory is oddly inscrutable despite trying, i think, to be totally obvious!

Now playing

yes to all of this dave. i saw them in punk clubs and on their “triumphant” “major label” “arena” tour which was a sold out show at the wang center in boston with the feelies opening for them. they managed something even The Pixies couldn’t: to be both ahead of their time and behind the right era to get our age

fuck advertising commercial psychology

This is all wrong.

i’m sure, as they were sitting in their living room watching their child be immolated in a fire in front of them, lots of people at grenfell tower were thinking “you know i’m so glad that both LABOUR under blair AND the tories agreed that public housing was not worth supporting fully. bipartisanship working at its

the “stick to the side near the door zone” is terrible, deadly advice. two people have been killed within 2 blocks of me in manhattan in the past week following this advice.

yes, it’s a bus. but it’s worse: it’s a fucking charter school. like, you can improve a shared public good (buses) or you can add a private company into the mix, and take away from the public good, thus creating adverse selection for the public good by skimming the customers away. that in turn will lead to worse

the modelling problem seems system-wide. humans are slow to react to risk (there are copious studies about how quickly we react to brake lights in front of us, for example), and have difficulty projecting past the next hunt/next year’s harvest (for obvious evolutionary reasons). now we’ve changed in a very short time

and yet you will still cover this bullshit, still watch it, still support it by doing so, talk about it with friends etc.

the number of users of marijuana is fluctuating but approx 40 million. MDMA variants around 10 million. heroin around 2 to 3 million. so if it’s a fucking gateway, it’s not a very effective one, now is it? and of course, any zombie claim that can last for 40 years absent any evidence to confirm it but replete with

as pope francis says: either live your beliefs or you are better off not being a christian. and he’s right. this guy believes some ridiculous insanity at his core as a human—he’s been called out on not living those insane beliefs, and now he’s getting screwed. i wish everyone in this story could lose, but sadly only

brought to you by an ad for the US Army.