
absolutely. this is hard one for so many of us. i’ve found that i just eat a LOT less red meat because this info is finally getting through my thick skull, but it’s taken me ridiculously long to accept this fact.

yes, you are one of the very few people who might occasionally need this vehicle, although i have 3 kids, 2 dogs and a cat, AND i haul a trailer behind me all in my station wagon.

My bike easily beats either. Not even close. 

agreed to all of that. i’ve just had bosses in the past who wouldn’t let me take the team out for drinks after work at all, and that seemed to be assuming what the other commenter below says about 99% of guys. which mitigates against being able to have an “out of office” culture at all.  maybe for better? maybe for

a question: do you think that it is possible to have a work culture that includes going out partying/drinking/traveling to festivals and doesn’t involve harassment? or rather, what is the right format to allow for people to do what they enjoy (hanging out/going to shows/traveling to festivals) while avoiding this sort

what is dead can never die.

ok random friend, i am using Brave now and so far...I REALLY LIKE IT

i do not know about this browser, but i’m checking it out and your recommendation random internet friend.

i have watched this once. during this viewing a fucking video about fucking wally backman that i have already made the choice not to watch the 200 times it’s been served to me has also been autoplaying, making the experience of this blog about as good as getting kicked repeatedly in the shins.

i don’t understand this content when you could just do a shitty sub-par blog post about the jets QB with an ad withe guy from that show saying something about some stuff followed by not-gawker’s pivot-to-video five years after that strategy failed every website in the fucking world.

that’s just a regular really good idea.

in soviet russia, content clicks you

so this coach cheated, got caught, refused to cop to it, then threw a 17 year old kid under the bus?

i work in content.

so glad the spanfellerians have turned this into an NFL blog.

recently i had a personal experience with being a person calling 911 to help a person-of-color, and it was...bad.


your corporate overlords suck.

he’s the best at his position since elliot ness.

unexpected turn there, but i’m here for it.