
Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson. it’s an amazing piece of alt history fiction.

Mostly the trolls “won” because gizmodo wrote a thinly sourced piece of shit article about facebook’s editorial policies and editors in February. That the article had ONE off-the-record source who made claims that were later refuted by numerous others at facebook was no matter—it allowed people like brent bozell and

this next generation of young men coming up seem really terrific. feminism isn’t necessary anymore, clearly the guys got the message and won’t behave like total fucking assholes anymore.

make all the jokes you want, but there really was an app called “Ocho” that was 8 second videos. never made it.

did you go to an “elite” school HamNo? i’m not asking to be snarky, just trying to see what your starting point is on this?

touchdowns are goals. FGs are corner kicks.

a thing i’ve found really effective in dealing with all of the bullshit of the NFL is not watching it at all. seems to be working wonders.

so, guy who plays for a team with a racist nickname (that you are now using? what the fuck?) makes an unconciously racist allusion to said nickname.

so i’ve had sex before, but i’ve never been FUCKED. how’s it feel? (i love you all and am sad about the theilnonsense of it all, btw)

i have neither, though a man bun is no longer offered on my hair’s menu :-(

fucking context, how does it work?

during the 2010 campaign, where i was doing some video and other work for the brown folk in CA, i was approached by fred davis, legendary right wing message guy (back to nixon, reagan, the willie horton ad, etc) to work for whitman.

no links. not one. sigh.

one of the top joys of being father to a boy i’ve had thus far was to give my then 8 year old calvin and hobbes. i gave him the complete collection that’s now for sale on amazon. i think he’s read it 20 times. i hope that watterson’s ethos and humanity will permeate my son’s brain on some deep level, whether he

go read “the hunting of the president” by joe conason and the great gene lyons and report back. you will find that all of those gates are horseshit. utter and total horseshit. and you’ll feel sad about yourself and how easily gulled you are by paid agents of richard mellon scaife and his ilk.

and, again, how is it that NICK DENTON fucking follows me but i’m still in the greys? it’s really absurd.

i’m not reading what your hed is telling me. basically, there’s an algorithm. it’s being tweaked based mostly on reader use. THEN there’s also human curation, and THAT is being influenced to include things like...syria, and so on. where’s the part where left-wing memes are being injected? in other words, if they

also how is it i’m followed by nick fucking denton but am still in the greys? it’s truly ridiculous how this (doesn’t) work.

harsh, but not harsh enough. you are talking about the enablers, the ones who allow chin-stroker pundits to pretend we have two sane parties in this country. we don’t. one can’t get its head around FUCKING SCIENCE. the other at least tries to, sometimes. but every kasich allows a both-sides-do-it routine (pootine, it

just to be clear: i get that you did what you were supposed to do, on some meta-journalistic level—you wrote an article. about a musician. who is rich.