The answer to the question of whether he scored this goal or witnessed it from afar can be answered by Schrodinger: he did both, simultaneously. this is now known as Koub's Law of Goalnamics, or in the original Lithuanian: Golnamikos desniai Koub
The answer to the question of whether he scored this goal or witnessed it from afar can be answered by Schrodinger: he did both, simultaneously. this is now known as Koub's Law of Goalnamics, or in the original Lithuanian: Golnamikos desniai Koub
am indeed card-carrying lefty, have worked at the nation magazine and have bona fides.
I say, as a card-carrying lefty who has worked for and supported the democratic party my entire life, that any democrat who took Sterling's money over the past 20 years owes us all a HUGE FUCKING APOLOGY. jerry brown in particular. this loathsome piece of shit will give the right a (correct) view of democrats as…
to be fair, MoB were pretty awesome on that tour. (he said, now 46, which puts your goddamn anecdote right on the goddamn money)
this is making me sad. i'm going to cry. my face will reflect, accurately, my feelings about the whole thing. i will also note the irony that two of my classmates from college (where i knew aviva) are two of the top cosmetic dermatologists on the UES.
really? that's aviva? i went to school with her, and she was so fucking nice and lovely and chill, and she handled her one-leggedness with such aplomb and wit. i didn't even recognize her, but i guess being married rich and being upper east side all that time has rotted her brain. sucks.
he was a psychotic right wing moron in his later days, bless his heart, and he was not afraid to go on obscure comments boards or mix it up in the lesser precincts of the net, all with an ideology that was part rand, part nugent, and all stupid.
fucking white people.
Ralph Reed wasn't available? Jack Abramoff maybe, from jail, couldn't have put this whole thing together for Snyder?
only arsenal could put together a three-man one touch own goal.
as i drive down the road to yellowstone, using my laptop to access the internet via the mobile web while driving in my car that runs on subsidized fuel, i think (using language skills developed at my public school and public university) that the government, by which of course i mean us, since this is a democracy by…
libertarian says exceptionally stupid thing: smart person points out glaring stupidity of said thing: earth continues turning.
in a battle of what or whom i hate more, the NCAA versus Mitch McConnell is a REALLY TOUGH CALL. i'm going to go with the NCAA, i guess, but really, fuck them both.
here's something to suck on:… wait, MLS as popular as MLB amongst 12-17 year olds you say? with trends going up up up?
was there a "peak" geno's? i ate one in the early 80s and was told that they were way better in the last ten years. same thing in the early 90s. same in the early aughts.
Golf: Nascar for rich people.
every so often a comment here rises to the level of : asked and answered. this is one of those times.