
I would rather buy the crappiest Android tablet than an iPad. I actually got the Dell Streak 7" for free at work. I wouldn't pay $400, but if Dell were to sell them for $200 or less I would highly recommend one. Flash, Widgets, 7" option, a ton of APPS (more than you will ever use), no having to use iTunes (the worst

I remote to all my machines, stream movies from my Synology NAS station, Widgets, Flash and much much more. Admitting to being raped by Apple is admission of being stupid. Make sure to use vaseline Steve Jobs is WELL endowed! :-)

No I wanna wait in line, spend a ton of money, not collect free apps from Amazon, not have Flash, no Widgets, and Swype because I'm stupid!

I hope the price of your iPhone goes to $600 like it was originally. Having the same functions on a different system is called competition. If way back when they allowed patents on things like wheels some a-hole or company would be so rich even Apple couldn't come close. Smart for Apple to collect if they can, shame

Configure your brand new high tech post-PC gadget you just spent a ton of money on and most likely waited in line for (or just waited to arrive) STEP 1 - CONNECT IT TO A PC!

Apple success if due to the stupidity of their customers and this proves my theory. Wasn't their an article that said that 32% of iphone users believe they have 4G now? hahaha! I think that number is much higher.

The iEatable magically delicious.

Yeah I wanna pay more and wait in line. Why should I buy a Motorola Atrix with 4G, dual core processor, Flash, Widgets etc. etc. on Amazon for $0.01.

Perfect, right on time with the release of Android quad-core tabs and the iPad 3. This subject should be titled "how to make a worthless piece of technology even less worthless".

I have Dish Network with built-in DVR receiver and Slingbox. I can do everything and I use Android. Get rid of TIVO and get rid of the iPhone, but it does work on the iPhone POS too.

Why fix it when you can wait in line for a day and then spend $300 for s new one? God forbid you buy an Android powered 4G, Dual core processor, Flash enabled, Widgets for a lot less, right now. No that would make you look way too smart. Engadget would be so disappointed too.

It doesn't matter the tards will wait in line, buy it and tell the world how great it is regardless. Apple should just increase prices, provide less and get you stuck with iTunes. Haters gonna hate...I mean fanboys gonna hate! :-)

...and I thought it was patented by Apple.

Not having to deal with Apple shenanigans priceless!


My car doesn't start once a year, I guess I'll keep it anyway. What a retard!

You don't just build a product you test it too. Apple testing either failed to notice the defect or decided to release the defective device anyway. Regardless this is a huge failure. If I made the best displays and you needed them for your tablet company would you just take my word or would you test them first? If you

Sorry Adrian, blame LG for that too! :-)

Sure the baby is born ugly and you should blame it on the doctor now? C'mon Adrien!!!

AT&T sucks, I can't get 4G in Virginia. I regret leaving Verizon.