Gizmodo + White iPhone = eternal love. I'm sick to my stomach. Almost magical...
Gizmodo + White iPhone = eternal love. I'm sick to my stomach. Almost magical...
What about a black and white one called "bird poop?" You know the fanboys will wait in line regardless. Increase the price to $400 and make it "really" exclusive.
I think it's works as a bumper, protects the precious glass and it improves gaming performance. For $19 I'll take 2!
Doesn't Apple charge $5 per star?
I needed to rush out and wait in line like everybody else did, My fault! :-)
Why would I get that when I can get an iPhone 4 for $200, it's made out of latest and greatest material (glass), has a proven worthless antenna and the best part I get a free BUMPER! Of course the bumper would ruin the esthetics, but hey I can't pass on a free deal. I'm way tooooo smart. :-)
Engadget knows about fugly interfaces. Their new websites say it all.
@blyan: Apple is not doubt the leader, but good followers are coming through for us. I just started a new job and travel to DC, NY, SF and Tampa soon and need to get to multiple sites and the Droid has been a life saver. Never missed a hotel, airport or work location. VZ and AT&T are the monopoly companies now. Rumor…
@blyan: I respect your decision. I work for an IT company that uses AT&T exclusively and would pay for an iPhone 4 + the entire monthly bill. I opted to keep my Droid and get $60 a month. Call me stupid! I paid more than you after telling you not to pay. For the average user I would say the Droid is the way to go or…
@blyan: If paying more for a device and using it on a handicapped network is your be it. I guess having the highest ranked dumbphone has it's price. :-) Dude, I'm techie so don't even start the Windows-Mac war because I use both. With electronics today we have choices and if the iPhone works for ya, good. I…
Get a Droid X, the turn-by-turn nav is worth the phone alone. Jobs and Apple's arrogance deserve lose your business.