Robert Ivey

Trump has persuasive skills?
I must have missed those.

Yeah public schools covers nazi germany and world war 2. Private Schools much more of a crap shoot.

Already failed three Republicans have already said that they will vote no on any attempt to repeal it without a replacement.

My Psychic sense tells me that Marc is really Donald Trump.

I'm finding this story very well sourced by the same dude who decided to make up a conspiracy about a dnc staffer who died in a mugging.

Wong wasn't added later he's a staple of Doctor Strange and is the Martial Arts Master/Man Servant stereo type in the comics.

Because pissing off Marvel fans by making Doctor Strange not white is such a good idea.

Downey at the time was unbankable due to the extremely strong chance he might go on a drug fueled bender.

Oh silly you think the Major picked her body and its appearance out? I still remember the time she got stuck in a little kid's body, because thats all her companion could find after she trashed her mass produced military body.

Actually its not.
1. Her body is a high end EUROPEAN CYBORG MODEL.
2. We have no idea if she was born in Japan.
3. She looks pretty white to me in the comics.

Lets not forget breaking psycho cop out of hell and plotting to murder Lucifer and a whole other host of sins.

Someone is suffering Karma for all the bad stuff he did last Season. Lucifer loses his invulnerability when the cop is around for "Reasons"

No God really is married in the Bible or was until its mostly edited out. David visits a temple dedicated to her. Asherah was her name.

I think he was saying that while chasing her down the hallway in the hospital so that might be why she opened it up.

Also he's a pretty big rip off of the Executioner book series or they are a rip off of him depends on how you look at it.

I'm not sure that Frank is doing it entirely, because his family was killed and more because the brain damage from the bullet removed any kind of impulse control he had which would normally stop a person from killing en mass like he is. I'm also damn sure he only stopped, because the only place he can get answers on

False equivalency since the Wright brothers tech was essentially useless for warfare.

Rofl they really know nothing about the right wing facist known as Walt Disney. Aka the dude who banned employees from having mustaches, because Hippies.

Breitbart is hilarious the idiocy there burns.

Hey no Insulting John Wick that is an epic movie.