Robert Ivey

Ford and Hamil both had issues with Lucas' dialogue to the point of actively fighting with him on set about it.

Most Sith are fallen Jedi who find a lost treasure trove of Sith secrets and are corrupted by the Darkside knowledge. Honestly Darth Bane did an excellent job of ensuring the destruction of the Sith.

He's totally Luke's son from a one night stand with one of Jabba's slave girls before his execution.

Naw it was a problem with all the Sith killing each other preventing them from ruling the Galaxy.

Ant Man's tech can let people walk wmds past any kind of security. Can drop an entire armored division into the capitol of any country. Murder people by shrinking down inside them, Destroy entire cities by enlarging things under ground. Imagine taking a colony of Army Ants then making them 10 feet tall and unleash

The problem as illustrated by the prison break is there is no real legal alternative for Super Powered Mass murderers who would eat a normal prison for breakfast and mass kill anyone in a court room with them. How do you bring a guy who turns into a poison cloud to trial let alone imprison him without violating human

Honestly Ward's best bit in Season 2 was when he had the Moral High Ground on Agent Simms.

How much you wanna bet Sean Bean dies instead of Damon?

Yes. One of the bigger charms about him is he tends to solve magic problems with more talking then actual magic, because DC magic is kinda bad mojo all around for everyone.

Mystic Ninja stuff in Daredevil is a preview of Iron Fist to come. Plus Daredevil has a lot of mystic ninja stuff in its comic run like his dead ex girlfriend Electra who was brought back by a ninja cult…

Well Thea wasn't dead just mostly dead, but Sara is really dead and buried so…

I guess having your dead ex Girlfriend brought back to life by a magic pit does not count as being supernatural enough for you?

Battleship could have been an awesome nail biting world war 2 suspense thriller movie about an American and Japanese fleet fighting in a dense fog where you don't know if that shot you just fired will hit or not or if your ship is about to take incoming fire.

Conner Kent called his lawyer to get his costume back.

Even Worse the show is a WB program and not done in house by NBC.

I have seen it characters die its good.

I think the best episode actually came before that when they did a straight spy story about the girl with a camera in her eye.

But didn't christians steal Saturnalia to fake celebrate a birthday that happened almost 6 months earlier in the summer?