We know
We know
Sounds like he was trying to not Sanchez it up.
"Remember Spawn? These guys certainly do, and they have a lot to say about it."
Thank you, Dennis. You really get us.
As one of your aforementioned friends who thinks Second Coming is better, I will say the first record comes close when the non-album singles are included (as they are in the roughly eleventy billion cash grab re-releases).
FALSE. You would love it if Dennis Miller hosted.
Oh, do you not like Studio 60?
If you need even more, he's got a whole WEBSITE full of reasons: http://www.sportsalcohol.com/
You are a MONSTER
24 hours and he still hasn't. Brought this up to Jesse and he said, "ah, ——. I will"
Jesse said he just missed this and will comment on it when he gets home, but we'll see.
Going to see Jesse in person today and find out why he won't answer this question.
Jesse, you've left maybe hundreds of comments in this thread but REFUSE to answer this question. What are you hiding?
"Spider Man would've worked perfectly as a Noir movie set mostly in night and with no CGI villains"
"wonder what Captain Typho does in his downtime"
Can't tell if you're joking because I know you paid your own money to see all of those movies.
Nowhere to go but up!
1. Get on podmass
3. Quit job to blog about Marvel's Netflix shows and bands only I liked in the 90s full time.
How is "Museum of Idiots" not on this list?! I say this not as a TMBG fan (though I am that) but as someone who knows it was Jesse's wedding song!
Munton, not Munson
You have no idea
In our defense, we didn't know AvP:R would be that bad based on our experience seeing AvP (which we also brought both of our now-wives to see).