
“Why do people say ‘grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you want to be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”

Good seats still available.

Historically, you’ve got that backwards.

I was more of a Lafontaine/Mogilny guy, myself. But that will always be THE hockey video game for me. Perfect mix of “sim” and “Blades of Steel” arcade play.

I honestly do not understand how anyone wouldn’t love Cam. I’m biased but ffs, he’s an adorable human who loves kids, gives back to the community, is unabashedly joyful and also is entertaining as hell to watch play. What am I missing.

I didn’t even read this, but the answer is NHLPA ‘93.

All we need to do is trick Trump into saying Kltpsyxm. It’s so simple!

Maybe if Ortiz wasn't raping pitching staffs and murdering baseballs we wouldn’t need a wall.

I’ve mentioned this on other articles about this case but I think it’s very important to note that this is a settlement outside of the court. Ailes probably would not have been found liable in an actual court case because the ridiculous laws on the books make the ability to prove the victim’s case SO difficult. The

So she didn’t even get the standard 75% of what women typically make compared to men?

So even though he was forced out, Fox would be on the hook for Ailes defense? For how long? There was no way for Carlson to go after Ailes $40 mil?

Manutebol? is that how this works?

No you fucking nerds it’s probably STEROIDS.

A more cynical person would yell “Steroids!” or “PEDs!”, but not me. I’m choosing to lie back and just take in all of Dozier’s magnificent dongs.

SOAB ... I stayed up past my bed time reading this thread. The keyboard warriors claim another victim. You’re brave for fighting this all the way. She lost me about 3 comments in, how ridiculous. As a woman, I don’t agree at all. However, I am also one of those women who doesn’t like to incite ridiculous drama and

You got to love these white people who are so uncomfortable with their existence being political and a continuation of white supremacy through ingrained social biases that they try to be “post-racial.” There has never been a single post-racial person in this world who wasn’t also white and privileged.


Whitlock: “Follow-up question: can you tell me what color my shoes are?”

A lecture with a question mark at the end is still a lecture.

I would posit that there was no question asked - since Whitlock’s “question” came first and was followed by a paragraph of bullshit, one could assume that the “question” was rhetorical. Thus the reporter was free to ask an actual question.