
Sure, and when black teammates publicly defended Cooper it was at the orders of Grand Dragon Chip Kelly.

Afros are dope, gtfo

The volume with which one speaks about “patriotism” is inversely proportionally to one’s understanding of the Constitution

It is amazing to me how many people think that a peaceful protester who “disrespects” the flag is worse than the violent person who starts a fight with the protester. Or that people are okay or proud even when violence occurs against the protester.

As a bald white dude... SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH. I’d kill for that hair.

Looks like a trend to me

It’s traitor’s hair. This is what a patriot’s hair looks like:

here, you owe That_Other_Guy a serious apology, because you’re the idiot here

For what it’s worth, I think you’re wrong on this when you say that women would be upset if men framed their thinking about rape in terms of “what if it happened to me?” There is a difference between practicing empathy and trying to co-opt the discourse. I think the vast majority of women would welcome more men

You know what? I gotta ask: Why are you and thoac up there trying so damn hard to turn people into MRA’s?

Provided any of it happened.

I don’t think female protagonists will lead to more empathy. Raising my son to care about women and their safety/security will go a longer way than creating more works of fiction with female leads.

Yeah it’s sad Brown doesn’t get the recognition Branch Rickey did for signing Jackie Robinson.

Mario Lemieux?

From what I’ve read Celtics and Bruins owner Walter Brown was an extremely generous man who was well loved by the players and the community alike.

“...the Warriors official team app may have violated users’ privacy”

You missed Joshua’s, second-to-last, entry, which I heartily recommend:

Jesus Christ Tom, I have never appreciated what good a Trigger Warning is for until today! Thanks for the PTSD motherfucker!

I can usually get through about half of the fan emails. I didn’t even try this time.