
Paging Dr. Pellman. Paging Dr. Pellman.

“but it would indicate that the league is serious about consequences.”

Headhunting is the only logical extension of the violent, reprehensible acts you mentioned above because removing the quarterback from the game increases your odds of winning a bazillion percent, especially if that QB is Cam f n Newton.

“why weren’t penalties called on those head shots?”

So is TV itself. I’ve never had one and I’ve had multiple offers for free TVs, which is downright creepy. And it’s no coincidence that my kids are (by literally everyone who deals with them) of the highest quality.

Say it with me everyone:

And the ref was looking directly at the hit.

In 12 years, my wife and I have never had a tv, but have had more than one offers of a free tv (creepy!). Our kids are brilliant and awesome by literally everyone who has ever interacted with them. It’s no coincidence.

White person integration.

Remember: the more padding, the more damage. Just like boxing.

Remember Roger doesn’t really want the refs involved at all. He is peddling violence. That’s his trade and his buddies’ profit base.

As with anything, some rich white person decided long ago what you should say and what you shouldn’t. And the fools follow their orders.

Throw the book at them.

Everyone has the choice between good and evil, lawyers are not different in that respect. I hung out with an awesome public defender in Atlanta many years ago. He was a real human being and a good one.

Father Time is undefeated, especially once the drug testing gets serious.

“One question: How do you stop without dying here?”

I fully agree, but such good managers are very, very rare in this profit-at-all-costs corporate world.

My point is that to profit off of taking someone down is morally wrong.

I’m supplying my own brand of discretion, and I’m now back in the greys for it.

Never hate, ever.