
You don’t understand it. The point is that white people explaining how a black person should feel or behave is indicative of their prejudices. The same being true when a man tries to explain how a woman should think or feel or behave.

The Golden Path culminated in the merging of the humans and thinking machines, which brought peace to the universe. They got it done; I don’t see how any such a conversation would have made the story better, but that’s just me.

a. You don’t know what I know or don’t, much less have a way to check. Rhetoric, indeed.

I’d call it a plot twist. And I haven’t read the prequels.

And your butting in and telling me how to argue is what, exactly?

You are assuming that Leto II understood the end result of the Golden Path. No, he just knew how to navigate towards it during his lifetime which entailed using tyranny to create an impulse in humanity to spread beyond the reach of the thinking machines. And, really, the Golden Path was really just a path of selfless

“The Tleilaxu did create the new Face Dancers, but they evolved beyond their creators’ control.”

I’m glad you followed my instructions and extended your demonstration of ignorance.

“He’s the story, not the messenger.”

Please, whitesplain me some more, but for the record:

But how would those evolved face dancers have been detected by the Whores? And where did the obliterators come from that the Whores used on Arrakis? Are you saying that the new face dancers were also the inventors of such advanced technology? That doesn’t make any sense, to me, because they are only capable of what

And, just to clarify, I skip all the parts with the Baron (except where he gets killed in the end) and most of Alia’s parts in Children.

There’s sowing and reaping.

The truth hurts, especially to the violently ignorant.

So explain to me, then. I’m willing to listen.

Seriously, you don’t believe that?

That’s why no one invites you to parties. Or me, either, for that matter.

Hey, I enjoy Gladwell!

Not all quitting is failing. Stay strong.

You can skip Messiah and Children, but God Emporer is definitely a prerequisite for Heretics and Chapterhouse, which have Miles Teg and sex-enslaving Whores.