
Messiah is my least fav, but God Emporer is worth it just to get to Miles Teg in Heretics and Chapterhouse. Maybe my favorite non-Gibson sci-fi character. Also, after waiting years, Hunters and Sandworms were surprisingly really very good. It’s also very weird how Brian found Frank’s notes after so many years. Good

Check out any and all of Gibson’s work. His latest, The Peripheral, is fantastic and required an immediate re-reading, which is a first in my experience. All of his books are the best, really, tho.

You mean being right like Kaep? Any day. And of course, very few listen to me or what Kaep is saying. That’s what you are doing; you’re paying attention to his fucking socks.

Well, you are an elite racist moron, so you’ve got that going for against you.

Math lesson: not greater-than IS-THE-SAME-FUCKING-THING-AS equal-to-or-less-than.

a. It’s not fucking funny. At all.

Not exactly. When I saw it on the wall of my kids’ school yesterday, it gave me a disgusting feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“never heard anything about potential racism with Chip Kelly”

Are you saying that his poor play is his way of undermining his team’s racist owner and nickname?

Your guess is wrong.

I smell more white-on-white violence coming...

Related: those with such “patriotism” don’t know what “inversely proportional” means.

Never, white brother, neh-ver.

So you don’t believe CK should be “be publicly harassed”.

He’s not right — read his last sentence again. It ruins the entire thing. Ironically, it’s pretty much what he’s saying about CK wearing those socks.

That is why we must never, ever hate, because it is the opposite of love and, therefore, always in opposition to the kind of honesty and forgiveness that we all both need to give and receive.

It’s more of a white thing to criticise how a black person manifests their anger and frustration. That you actually think and say something like:

Don’t be so negative. Is he wrong about any of the issues he is bringing up? No. Does it matter that “the movement” will never take off? No. Do I personally like the pig socks? No. Will I ever tell a non-violent black man how to protest? Fuck no. Does the look on his face during his first sit-down show the truth of

I don’t trust dudes who wear big rings. Whatever club that makes them a member of is no club I want to be around.

This entire thread sounds like a Chinese Cheech & Chong movie. I don’t understand what the fuck anyone is saying on here.