
As Castaneda’s teacher, don Juan, said: “Death is the only advisor worth listening to.” All our petty bullshit falls away in remembrance of death and its inevitability.

Then tell her you’re sorry and that you’ll get a BowFlex like everyone else.

But you did have a happy ending.

Takeaway #1: Charles Barkely is the f n best.

I’ve been promoted that way plenty of times.

Yeah, but he made out betting against the spread of his prop bet. No one had the first few minutes of the first quarter.

He didn’t have the ear piece telling him which call to make.

You mean Phil Simms, right?

Relax about what?

OTOH, the DEA’s governmental oversight decided that marijuana is still Schedule I, which is right in line with the Pharm industry’s desires. Towards the end of Neurmancer, the Flat Line tells Case that the Hosaka is all virus now — welcome to our government in 2016 where the it’s all corruption now!

For-profit medicine is antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath.

If it makes you feel better, I’ll suggest they get rid of motor oil, then call myself a dipstick.

Not to one handed set shots, you can’t. Not on my watch.

We must teach our children love, not as cheap sentiment, but via selfless action. And I highly suggest that letting them watch modern tv is antithetical to that notion. I say this as someone whose children have the following experiences:

Onion Bran?

... for a good reason.

Tears of this nature are the true sign of a heart cracked open by love, and we all understand, deep within our beings, that love is the only solution to any and all of the problems in this world. The lack of love in this world regimented by B-school motherfuckers causes tears on the rare occasion we see someone

That’s neither hair nor his except in the sense that he owns it now.

But profiting off behaviors that harm society should be mitigated.

If you only looked at the establishment’s actions (see: DEA keeping marijuana Schedule I), you’d have to swear that they were evil underminers of society. Of course, they’ll say that they’re not, but...