Robert Fiore

He was really funny even late in his career, when he was appearing on Prairie Home Companion. Ask me what the biggest things I missed growing up on the west coast as opposed to back east and I'd say not hearing Bob and Ray or Jean Shepherd as often as they way did out there. It was always hard for me to get my mind

Sense of entitlement is the special sauce, I think.

Old Hoss Radbourne will have your guts for garters if you don't put a space between base and baller.

The California redneck is a particularly odious form of the breed, with all of the faults of his southern cousin but none of the character or earthiness. He's sort of human version of peevish Pekingese dog.

"Marie" isn't really complete until you hear the demo version of the answer song, wherein on the morning after the exasperated Marie taunts her hungover husband with his words of the night before.

Monopoly takes a reasonable amount of time if you play by the rules, i.e., no picking up all the fines when you land on Free Parking, sticking to the finite number of houses and hotels.

As I recall, the last tour performing Pet Sounds as a whole was also the last time he was going to be performing Pet Sounds as a whole.

Well, that's how the human mind deals with trauma.

You forgot Orlando Jones. Seemed to me to be the biggest talent on there, though Hollywood has never made full use of him.

In other news, Sterno Pete announced that he was continuing his open-ended residency in the alley behind the Beacon Theater. Sterno Pete is an old-fashioned hobo, so this comment is not offensive.

Every episode a bottle episode.

Lubitsch not even a runner up? Hmph.

I'll tell you, there are times when that San Diego Trolley feels like the boxcars to Nerdwitz.

The Henry Fonda character in Fort Apache is based on an actual individual, Lieutenant George Bascom, who was sent to Arizona during the Civil War because it was feared the Confederates would try to provoke the Apaches. Because Cochise wanted to keep the peace, all Bascom had to do was treat him with respect and keep

The Princess Bride. I know people are sentimental about the original but I found it cheesy and poorly acted.

Don't know, but I think it was a day with a "Y" in it.

My theory is that after Thunderdome Miller married an animal rights activist, but now is divorced, broke and bitter and can make Mad Max movies again.

The comedy character Daniel Day Lewis would have been perfect for is George MaDonald Fraser's Victorian anithero Harry Flashman.

That black stormtrooper is just scared all the time, isn't he?

You missed Jose Perez in Steambath. 70s public television. Look it up, it's priceless.