Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;

The last few entries in this column are kind of crap. Like originally, actually (somewhat) famous people would talk about a terrible song they actually hated. Now it's more like a vehicle for someone you've never heard of to take a half-assed swipe at a song you probably know as a form of self promotion.

Holy shit

I like to call them upvotes of commiseration.

Escalades on parade

Are you ready to get subversive?! Then put your hands together for major label recording artists Rage Against the Machine!!

Now that you mention it, Obama's jack booked thugs coming to confiscate everyone's defibrillators would make those death panels a lot more effective.

And education.

Counterpoint: "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

"Simba is a whiny nonentity who could have ended the movie much, much sooner if he hadn’t been so self-pitying."

Rush can go straight to hell. I have pretty wide ranging musical tastes, I like a lot of classic rock, I like a lot of prog, etc., but I just can't stand Rush. They always come off as overblown and pretentious to me. (And again, I like a lot of prog, so my tolerance for that is pretty high.)

I was a paperboy when this contest happened. I remember strategically awaiting the Sunday edition of the paper that included this ad. I listened to every single one of the records looking for a winner before carefully putting them back into the ad section and delivering the papers.

That stupid ant level in Medieval. I kept getting lost inside the colony.

Man, this article is just custom tailored for this shit.

I'm thrilled to report that once again, there's an xkcd for that.

So you chickens of the world,
listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive
you must be brave
Or you chickens of today are
Chickens of the Cave, Yeah!

Same for me, about 5 years ago. Right handed, broke my right wrist. I still remember the first time I was able to tie my own shoes after that. It took almost 10 minutes, but damn was I proud of myself.

I have to figure if anyone is going to name a galaxy after themselves, it'll be Samsung. Microsoft would just call it a Bingoverse or Zune.

GJI should let readers grade each one of these things like it does for movie reviews.

Dude, "you've finally made a monkey out of me," was RIGHT THERE.

"Regularly updated with new examples, Pop Quotery has been running since Tuesday…"