Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;

Rage Against the Machine: The Board Game

I had a similar experience. Was everyone supposed to drop like $250 on their demo kit, or just the presentation i went to?

*hikes up old man pants*

I'm known as a rapscallion.

My favorite part of that whole kerfuffle (yep, kerfuffle) was how after the inital backlash of "I can't believe she just called half of them racists! That's so offensive!"* a few people started doing the analysis and found that yep, it's about half of Trump supporters, give or take.

Stop it, you're making me dizzy.

Regarding salary, if I had actual knowledge that my suspicion were true, I would. But it's a little silly to go on a crusade like this if I'm wrong. Who knows, maybe she makes a whole bunch more money, but gives half to charity.

I don't know, I have a strong suspicion. I may very well be wrong, but I've also seen that people tend to take me more seriously and hold more respect for my opinions, despite said fact that she does this job better than I do. While this may or may not relate directly to our relative incomes, I think the widely

You're right, that is exactly what I meant. And sure, transparency is good in theory, but it would be just as inappropriate for me to go to my boss or HR and start asking how much money other people make.

Nope. I get raises with every annual review, despite never having asked for one. And while I've never asked because it would be grossly inappropriate, I have a strong suspicion that my female coworker, who sits next to me, holds the same position that I do, and is better at the job than I am, makes less money than I


Whatever happened to that, anyway?

Dammit! I got here too late!! Why didn't anybody call me?!

Hello, fellow Cracked reader!

Might as well put those death panels to good use.

He was the anti-Skip Bayliss.

You forgot to throw the word "tyranny" around. You're not explaining hard enough.

Wait, is CineCraft dead?! Shit!

The AV Club

This would have been around the time of those "Army of One" ads, right? In that case, you could have a military made up entirely of Mulans.