Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;

Eagle 1, let's turn it around. We're looking at balls.

I liked that a lot of the story was told through subtext instead of clunky exposition. It's fairly heady for a shoot em up action film.

Does this website have a URL, by any chance? This sounds magnificent.

Putin announces "gritty reboot" of the Cold War.

The unsigned comment about Mozart is my favorite because the poster doesn't seem to know what point s/he is trying to make.

I want a bumper sticker that says "IF NOT ROCK, THEN BUST."

That was my favorite part about the video, too, until the colors got inverted and that guy puked all over the floor. Then that was my favorite part.

This could be a pretty sweet movie in itself. "Keanu Reeves" is a major movie star who undergoes weapons and martial arts training to make his action roles more believable. Then, the set of his next film gets invaded by communist ISIS zombie terrorists, and he has to use all his badass new skills to save everyone.

Thirty thieves and the Thunder Chief

Sure, but a shootout isn't suitably arcane.

MRA/NRA synergy

Deadly is the Gun

Chances are the pants are not as fancy as the pair
of very fancy pants that Mr. Fancypants would wear

What have you done?!

Super cool news, but fuck this ad that's taking up the bottom 1/3 of my screen.

"Shy gypsy slyly, spryly tryst by my crypt"

I can't wrap my head around the idea of someone buying something via Android app and then paying by check.

I would be happy as hell if this whole thread were just various reposted reviews and comments having a full on discussion with each other.

Well that can't be right. The article clearly says "the only annoying thing he’s ever done is father Chet Haze."

I think this is my cue.