Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;

It was Paganini.

If this guy releases a mixtape, do we get to consider him a musician so he can die this year?

Haven't watched yet because I'm still at work, but wasn't Let's Enhance already a throwaway gag in Super Troopers?

Was I supposed to sing that to the tune of All the Young Dudes? Because I did.

This is a really shitty year to be 69.

Sure, but does his stride mother drive an Alfa Romeo?

Welcome to the Terrordome!

Dammit, Internet, did you even try to look for a job today?!

I can't believe what I've seen outside.

So… now it can't be two things anymore?

Holy shit. I want to start using Wookiepedia as a cited source on Wikipedia.

Don't forget to bring a…

I was always partial to Paul.

Patents are a type of intellectual property. It's not so much "overlap" as "subset."

"Fry, Bender, Leela, Amy, Hermes, Scruffy, Professor Farnsworth, and the other characters who aren’t as memorable."

Stay out of my territory.

There are two Ds in "nerddom," Godammit!

I'm really, really enjoying President Zero-Fucks-Left-to-Give Obama.

Apple announced "We can no longer keep this sick Beats service on life support." Representatives for Taylor Swift immediately filed suit against Apple in federal court, claiming infringement on her trademarked phrase that she apparently thought up on her own. The nation's court system is expected to be unavailable for

It is with much dismay that I realize I'm becoming a gimmick account, but I'm doing nothing to stop it. Here: