From Peyton’s clipboard:
From Peyton’s clipboard:
you are a fool, woman. candy corn is delicious carnauba wax goodness. i’ll concede that those candy corn spawn are abominations. why mess with candy corn perfection? (can’t stop saying candy corn. candyfuckingcrackcorn.) if, like me, you are from the 1960s and 70s, you enjoyed candy corn’s heyday. before razor blades…
Your opinion about candy corn is bad and you should feel bad!
Have you ever played tennis??
Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?
Really just seems like the person writing this is someone with too much time on their hands is trying to over complicate kids movies with their own logic. We can’t just enjoy movies anymore is what I get from this article.
Sports News Website Reports Sports News; Readers Outraged
What you’re doing is building straw men, which doesn’t detract from the original point. It just makes you look like someone incapable of debate.
Adam, have you ever actually been in an Uber car? Only a pure, crack-rock socialist could call this company evil. Especially when stacked up against cab companies, whose “policies” towards employees, injured people, and the public at large makes Uber look Utopian. As someone living in downtown Chicago, Uber has…
Out of habit, the NRA filed an amicus brief on behalf of the NFL when they heard “Clinton” & “Brady” in the same sentence.
WHY YOUR COURT SUCKS 2015: U.S. District Court of Minnesota
Clint Dempsey put the U.S. up 1-0 on a defection-ravaged Cuban team.
Jacob’s Ladder!