
Agreed - “Good Side” got a lot of hype from her fans in large part, I think, because of a hunger for new Liz (I can totally relate!), and it’s okay to good, but feels like an outtake from the self-titled album. This one feels more like where she’s heading with new material. I’m happy she’s back with Wood and you can

I was in eighth grade when the shuttle exploded. I was in the library for something else...and watched on a huge TV on a rollaway cart with a few other teachers and librarians.

This looks like a rejected TV pilot from the 90s.  

Man, New Mutants has got to be one of the most doomed movies ever to actually make it to the theater (April 2018 planned release, multiple reshoots, surprise studio acquisition delay, April 2020 theater closure delay, several subsequent pandemic release date delays, and finally a forced contractual theater

That was the Cubs winning the World Series back in 2016. Shit got real dark immediately afterwards.

Eh, Final Fantasy XII is about 1/2 a great game.

FF3 had me until the final dungeon. Grind up to Level 60 just to stand a chance? Forced to use specific and obscure jobs? No save points?? Screeew that.

The last good non-mmo FF game was 9. There, I said it.

Can I defend blitzball for half a second? Cuz I feel like it gets unnecessarily pooped on. People keep calling it boring, but if you play one game and expect pulse-pounding action, you read the minigame wrong. Blitzball isn’t “how are you still holding your breath” soccer, it’s an RTS. You position your units, you use

The Best: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age” 

Ddefinitely IX is a personal favorite. Just a beautiful, bittersweet love letter to it’s many predecessors, right as the franchise turned toward the future with X (and the way future with XI).

I’m ALMOST done with FFXII. I can go to the final dungeon but I’m addicted to these hunts and other sidequests. I’ve sunk 85 hours into this beast already! And after not liking it back in ~2010, I’m really enjoying it now, especially with the Zodiac Age updates. I’m also maybe okay with Vaan and Penelo now. They’re

FFVI is a) great and b) a good analogy for politics these days, with authoritarian madman clowns being elected all over the globe.

Best: IX. It’s the culmination of the PS1 era where Squaresoft was at its most creative high. It’s fun and whimsical in a way that Final Fantasy games apparently are no longer allowed to be since they’re now determined to solely be the fever-dream of a 13 year old edgelord.

Worst: All of modern day Final Fantasy. It’s

I’m surprised no-one mentioned the best moment of this whole arc, when Windu tried to appeal to the battle droids’ better natures and Obi-Wan was just looking at him with that expression of pure confusion. great stuff

“I won’t leave you... not this time” with the music kicking in... god damn. the entire show was worth it for that scene

Ahsoka’s confrontation with Vader still gives me chills.  Not just a great Star Wars moment, a great storytelling moment for all genres. 


I don’t think 2003 Clone Wars is considered canon anymore, but I’d have to say it’s probably my favourite piece of Star Wars media ever - pure art. thankfully it’s all on youtube

Fives WAS the man!!!