
If you would’ve told me at the midway point of season one that this show would’ve gotten seven seasons and got zanier and zanier as the seasons progressed, I’d have laughed you out of the arena.

Yes. There are two kinds of people: Those who understand that the cake scene in Spider-Man 2 is quietly one of the most important scenes in that stone-cold classic, and those who are plain wrong.

UGH. This sucks. What an amazing drummer that so was much fun to watch. Just tons of energy that drew you into every performance

Underrated reply

Vincent D’Onofrio is Kingpin and previously Thor.

Marshala Ali:  Cottonmouth, Prowler, and Blade. 

Has anyone else done that apart from Patton Oswald? He has his Agents of Shield character, MODOK and his Eternals post credits character.

Kathryn Hahn is hot on his heels.

Oscar Isaac going for the hat trick on Marvel characters (Apocalypse, Moon Knight, and Spider-Man 2099).  

Yeah pro wrestling is just stage acting for people who like fights. If Shakespeare had worked in a few more powerbombs into his plays, wrestling as we know it wouldn’t exist.

An absolute blast, so far. The Louis CK exchange between Peacemaker and Vigilante had me almost in tears.

Sounds perfect. Loved The Suicide Squad (just re-watched it last week), and I just finally finished the most recent season of What We Do in the Shadows, so this should fill the “vulgar and graphic comedy” void that it left. 

Yeah, Ming-Na blew out her knee at the end of season 4 of AoS. She was still rehabbing it at the beginning of season 5 when the show (hilariously, to me, because it was a brilliant solution to the problem) jammed a piece of rebar through Agent May’s thigh in the first episode to give Ming-Na an excuse to limp around

looks like the only Planet Boba won’t go to is Planet Fitness

Ming-Na Wen is cool, and I can still buy her as a bad-ass, partly because she looks about 20 years younger than she is. Temeura Morrison, not so much.

YES.  “So, my personal friend Darth Vader showed up, jammed a thermal detonator into a jawa’s ass and threw him into the sarlaac!” 

...which was a spitting image of Ray Harryhausen’s 20 Million Miles To Earth creature! That’s a face that keeps on giving.

Maul is dead at this point, otherwise you’d be spot on.

It was... fine. I will, of course, watch it all. Never really been into the whole Boba Fett mythos thing, but I’ll go along with it.

As a kind of a sidenote, I am curious if and how the show is going to introduce Omega at some point. It pretty much has to, right?