
Seven doesn’t ask if Picard has doubts. She asks if he really believes he got his humanity back, and he says yes.

The regular version is tighter and more than adequate I think 

The sound engineer weaving the Voyager theme-tune into 7's last line & beam-out in that scene deserves all the awards. I rewatched that scene atvleast 3 times already - i got chills, i teared up, i yelped for joy. 

“I can’t be the only one who saw Agnes lurking in the background while Picard chatted with the injured Maddox and knew what was coming,...”

Icheb’s scene was devastating...
When Seven said “my child” I remembered of the episode Drone and “you are hurting me”.. that really got me.

And then Janeway pulls up in a tricked-out Voyager, wearing weirdly opaque shades. “Picard! You have to come back with me!”

“They introduce the idea that the crime boss’s lizardman can smell lies, which they then immediately subvert with an injection. Like… why even before if it was going to be that easy to bluff past. It’s like saying, “Okay, they have an unbreakable lock!” “Oh no!” “But we have a key.””

I saw this as actually a bit of

Obama still would have won the race.

As a born and bred Chicagoan, watching Alan Keyes get summarily stomped on was one of the few joys of the 2004 election cycle. Aside from not being a native to Illinois and generally being pants-crapping insane, he lost us when he said “You are doing what you believe to be required by your respect for God’s will, and

also nice touch with the voyager theme in that scene. 

Kinda disappointed, myself. I didn’t love Seven on Voyaer, they used her nature as a solution waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many times. The idea of Borg nanoprobes is fundamentally kinda cool - like Iron Man’s Mk. 50 nanite technology, they can become, essentially whatever they need to. be. A near-infinite

Did you watch the episode?

The story gets better! The election between Keys and Obama prompted one of the greatest political blog posts ever written:

You killed bastards!

I haven’t been watching this show, and have only a passing familiarity with the whole of the Star Trek universe, but I will always be grateful to Jeri Ryan for her role in the rise of Obama.

So I guess this entire season isn’t about Picard and 7 of 9 teaming up? That is too bad. I guess I might still watch it anyway

The exchange between Picard and Seven happened a little differently than you remember, and I’m not sure if that’s because of the screener you got or what. But it went like this, more or less:

“There’s a thirty second conversation late in the episode where Seven asks Picard if he was able to regain his humanity after he was de-assimilated, and he says yes—then she asks him he never has doubts, and he says no.”

As someone who watched all of Voyager, that cold open with the tortured murder of Icheb was a proper shocker.