
She has nothing to apologize for with all the scenery she was chewing! 

Toxic or not, Nate punching DJ S’more was funny as hell!

I don’t think Marie Antoinette was a major-league historical asshole on the level of other French Revolutionary figures like Robespierre or Napoleon by any means, but I don’t hate Legends having her as an “encore” even though it was a bit of stretch just because of the genius idea to have Courtney Ford play her & all

Alice Hunter, who played Constantine’s friend Natalie, was on Another Period as the no-nonsense maid who replaced Chair (Christina Hendricks)

This episode had me at Zari’s 2044 dress, then it had me again when a guy in a giant s’more costume tried to propose. Then it had me by my soul when it gave me headless Marie Antoinette with a flamethrower.

His peak dick actions are only ever in non-ff books. Sure he fucks up and is sometimes a dick in the core book but he typically isn’t building black site prisons and altering his child’s biology without telling him.

Callisto throwing a knife to storm is a callback to their fight during the Morlocks’ first appearance in Uncanny X-Men 170 or so. She tosses the knife to Storm to intimidate her before they fight for leadership of the group, but Storm calmly grabs it out of the air.

Reading X-Men/FF, I guess I’ll still be waiting for someone’s brilliant new take on the FF not to just be “hey, anybody ever think Reed’s just kind of a dick before? I must be the first!

Reading X-Men/FF, I guess I’ll still be waiting for someone’s brilliant new take on the FF not to just be “hey, anybody ever think Reed’s just kind of a dick before? I must be the first!

“Jumbo Carnation”? Never change, Grant. Never change.

I’m liking a lot of this stuff but the whole marketing side seems very much peak 90s X-Men. They are separate books but they want you to collect them all, even if they are never clear on timelines so things get confusing(X-23 is in Fallen Angels but then she also just walked through some weird alt time area for a

Lower Decks really sounds like a blast.  Here’s hoping!  

Alison Pill is Canadian.

Zach is too soft on Trek generally, we saw the same with his Discovery reviews. He can’t turn his brain off so he clearly and accurately identifies the many weaknesses of the shows, but can’t bring himself to give them the mark they deserve and just say that the writing basically sucks, being filled as it is with lazy

I can’t help thinking there’s a gap between the way Picard is now, and the way he once was

Really the only way to settle this is a controlled test:
I demand a Wes Anderson-directed Beetlejuice remake and a Tim Burton-directed Rushmore remake.

I chart Mars Attacks! as the beginning of his decline. It was totally, 100% within his verve, but it received only middling reviews and audience reception. After that his films have felt like they’re missing a bit of that irreverent spirit. In fact, I recall Big Fish being received almost like a comeback, and that was

I’m so absolutely going to miss Brandon when he’s gone. But Jes was absolutely the MVP this episode. She was *amazing*! She’s definitely a Legend now.

Esp since a racist homophobic jerk getting a medal preempted our diverse team's adventures :(

We deserved Sara’s condolences card now: I’m sorry you lost your job and previous life, but people hated you as you were mean boss, so now they are happy, and I hope you actually never loved it