
Not watched Picard yet myself, but I’ll point out that he and Data were mind-networked during the Locutus period. Maybe that left something behind that’s started to manifest itself?

So - the major villain inside of Starfleet is a Vulcan.

I don’t really have words for what this show has meant to me. Oliver Queen was one of the characters that got me into comics, and Arrow brought so many of my favourite DC heroes to life either in its own episodes or in the other shows it helped to launch. But beyond that, it was just an entertaining show filled with

Legends of Tomorrow feels like show that don’t care for characters development

I got one last Chief/Assassin moment with Daddy Lance and Nyssa! One last Nyssa saying something (Hello, Beloved) that annoys the hell out of Quentin.

I saw her during the Lovesexy tour and damn could that woman drum! ( I was lucky to be seated so we were facing the back of her drum kit and had a great view!)

No disrespect to Morris Day or Wendy & Lisa, but I am particularly looking forward to the Sheila E part of the tribute

It’s a shame the other nine hours are going to be hot steaming garbage.....

I still remember the day Prince died to the detail after finding out. I vividly remember the dinner I had with my dad while the story was unfolding, and everything going on.

At the end of my second or third viewing of this movie at a theater in Los Angeles, the idiot who had been sitting right next to me and blabbing the whole time to his friends about OH LOOK THERE’S THAT BUILDING I RECOGNIZE and HEY LOOK ITS THAT PLACE WE WENT TO stood up, turned to them and said, ‘We can go now!

I’m with you. Loved Mona as a time-bureau employee and occasional weirdo friend. It got weird once she was on the Waverider properly, but that’s not on Ramona Young. 

If you don’t have time to watch everything, might as well just watch the best parts, aka: the crossovers.

So, honestly, I think the biggest thing is that even with the creation of Earth-Prime, that’s not going to be the most lasting consequence — given the events of both Supergirl and Batwoman this week.

I could not Agree with you more, when he tells ted danson “ you dont have to call , if your plane crashes we will all hear about it” i spit up my drink ... very funny episode

Funkman’s aggressive conversion to Judaism was such a highlight of the show. He will be sorely missed.

So I was interested if there were people here who felt more capable than me in explaining what the overall reception to the show has been?

I know it is Curb and a send off is not something they would do, but I do hope for a good sendoff for Bob Einstein. He is what sold me on Curb, and from everywhere else I’ve encountered him he was the funniest guy in the room.

Given the Trump/Weinstein references and plotting this episode, where Larry is accused of behaving like both, I wonder if the season arc is he’ll run for president.

I was also pleased that at least all of the CW side of the Berlantiverse is now in the same toybox. The multiverse does make for some interesting stories and an easy way to do “what-ifs” outside of regular continuity (I’m still hoping we eventually get an Earth-3 story with Power Ring, Ultraman, Superwoman and the

If the next crossover doesn’t begin with “MEANWHILE, AT THE HALL OF JUSTICE!”, it’s going to be a missed opportunity.