That shit was good.
That shit was good.
I don't know. I'm a Stephen King fan and a long time Dark Tower fan and when I saw the trailer there wasn't a lot I recognized. I heard the rumor the movie is more like a sequel to how the Dark Tower series ends.. And if that's true.. I'm kinda.. Ok with that. Even after swallowing how the Dark Tower series ended. I'm…
I agree. Even though for the show and fans sake New Day is supposed to win. The Usos clearly were better. Better style. Better flow. And as a team.. Better trade offs.
He's on fire.
I love how the rule is they shouldn't do a review. But they're summaries are as filling as a review.
Roman loves Fishsticks.
Roman loves Fishsticks.
I agree. I think that FG has the cure and as soon as she found out it worked she faked her death.
Noooo not season 3!!!
For now…
Let's hope they take a lesson from Arrow after their dreary season 3. The past two seasons have been better. But I'm dreading Legends season 3 after such an awesome season 2.
Dammit Barry…Flashpoint again!!!
I agree. My favorite scene in the whole film. It's the moment when I'm showing this to friends or newbieos to the film that I say… "Now check this out"
That's Jay-Walking. And Jimmy-Walking…awesome.
So much I liked about the recent Raw. Yes Alexa is a goddess. My favorite highlight.. The Sheels telling Foxxy to tag them and her response "I'm Trying!!!!!"
So Fitz's Dad is the Red Dragon. Nice. I heard the Red Dragon is someone you need to know.
Have to give mad props to the "little sign that could" Best sign of the night—Roman likes fishsticks. So awesome. Trolling not only Roman but his twin from another mother Jason Momoa. Can you see it? The crowd starts chanting Roman like fish sticks over and over and he's like Kanye in the ring.. "Yeah I like…
Revolution! Revolution! Revolution!
The Constant was my favorite episode. Playing off Slaughterhouse Five. Desmond was so Billy Pilgrim.
Watching the finale when it aired I did feel let down and confused. Still had tons of questions unanswered. A year or two after I rewatched the series and now I'm good with it. It was the journey, the whole story of these characters we all grew to love and hate which makes it one of my series ever.