Uh... not according to these new documents Trump is releasing! Totally wasn’t a typo!
Uh... not according to these new documents Trump is releasing! Totally wasn’t a typo!
I mean, sure. Ok. That can be a thing.
Now, if you combined all those movies, you’d get a kickass story about two Scotsmen battling a Nordic serial killer whose weapon of choice is weather satellites, and... Tyler Perry is there for some reason.
There’s one, I forget what it’s called, where Kelly McDonald hires Gerard Butler to pretend to be her kid’s dad. It’s a pleasant, low-stakes movie and he doesn’t have to do much - I don’t think he even shows up until like halfway in - but he was ok in that.
There’s one, I forget what it’s called, where Kelly McDonald hires Gerard Butler to pretend to be her kid’s dad. It’s a pleasant, low-stakes movie and he doesn’t have to do much - I don’t think he even shows up until like halfway in - but he was ok in that.
I’d definitely agree with you in that respect for the second film - it’s wall-to-wall unpleasantness with little to back it up. The first one can get gnarly, sure, but I think it uses that to ratchet up the sheer adrenaline/tension of the fights rather than make the nastiness the actual focus.
Guy Pearce is the fucking best in that movie. Like, it’s pretty terrible overall, but he’s so fun to watch it almost doesn’t matter.
David Fincher is fine and all, but there’s been a very weird turnaround where he’s become the go-to idol for all the Big Boys who cut their teeth on Chris Nolan films during their teenybopper years. Every week some new pseudo-Aspergian tries to hop on reddit and talk about how fucking underrated Fincher is, because…
Everyone’s upset because seeing this makes them realize they were never as funny as they thought they were.
Have an absolute love of the originals that makes me rather anxious about any attempt to revisit them, but I do like the sound of how it’s handled here. Smaller in scale, sticking to the periphery of the old stuff...
Like, that tweet about cutting off Sasse is probably the most human Cruz has ever seemed to me
Han is literally part of one of the only two noteworthy partnerships in the orginal series. “Go it alone nature” my ass.
Walking the line so that its unclear which side you actually come down on and get to act aloof and mockingly cynical regardless is the gold standard for a certain brand of internet commentary. Good Job, Internet indeed.
I think there’s a sort of Deadwood effect in that contemporary cursing risks sounding unnatural. That being said, they’re really dropping the ball if they don’t manage to work “asshat” into the conversation at some point.
Supergirl drinking game: Take a shot every time James tries to convince someone he’s relevant to anything that’s going on anymore.
Spin-off show where Lena and Alex go around making people get their shit together by tag-teaming reasonable, straightforward conversation and silent glares that are intimidating but also make you feel a little hot and bothered and you’re so confused about it you just kind of do whatever she says?
“We are not so different, you and I!”
basically him attempting to prove he’s better at being warrior and king. He’s not really the evil/dark version but a man who yearns to rule and believes his approach is better.
sites like Goodreads and IMDB may not be the most scientifically accurate assessment of a particular trilogies’ worth
Are we surprised, though? This is Marvel. As pretty as this looks it was never going to do more than ‘become the man you were meant to be’ and ‘fight the man who is kinda like you but more of a dick.’