Are they taking into account that D&D Beyond - if I recall correctly - restricts certain classes and races behind a paywall? Because that maaaybe has something to do with it, I would think.
Are they taking into account that D&D Beyond - if I recall correctly - restricts certain classes and races behind a paywall? Because that maaaybe has something to do with it, I would think.
Clooney punched Russell when they were working together Three Kings; The Lily Tomlin stuff was on Huckabees, which came later and to my knowledge did not involve Clooney.
Perhaps it was meant to be implied, but the pairing here is rather on point: Shadow of War may be a ‘power fantasy’, whereas Stardew Valley is an ‘agency fantasy’ - an appealing concept that I think underpins the actual medium to an extent that doesn’t always get fully recognized.
Hova Weinstein
Tis not the doings of Morgoth, but the arrogance of the Numenorians that is at work here.
Having not played either game yet - but understanding that the story here is outrageously non-canonical - would it perhaps have been better to simply have you play as a non-Sauron villain? Or are they actually just charting your generic-fantasy-character’s descent into villainy? By setting the story in Mordor and…
Man, fuck alll of this.
Hot take from someone who totally isn’t still bitter about their time in the Scouts: don’t do it, Boy Scouts is where all the emotionally underdeveloped kids and adults trying to live out their power fantasies go.
Too late for me now, but for the record, there is a 15 minute window to make edits to a comment before it becomes permanent. Sort of like how changing the timeline used to work on the show?
Ok, theories time:
Did something happen three months ago, or did people just feel like digging up debates from 15 years ago because they were nostalgic for when that was all they were worrying about?
That can be said of most shows, really.
Finding the balance between showing the broader scope and following a single story to represent it is a tricky thing, so I can understand trying something other than the more common approach. Maybe this one works better when existing alongside the other, less abstracted documentaries referred to.
This is the kind of thing that sounds super interesting and right up my alley but in the way that makes me end up weirdly hating it if they don’t pull it off right. Still, something that digs into the actual mess that is Batman - rather than just another play on the “we’re not so different, you and I!” shtick he has…
No need to edit anything, I was just following the thread a bit.
That Morrison also wrote an acclaimed actual run on Batman would seem to indicate it’s more a question of him being used poorly than anything inherent in the character - a sort of corollary to the rule of Superman only being boring due to bad writing, not his powers.
That is what I was talking about in the second of only two sentences of my comment, yes.
I was admittedly both unclear and overly snarky due to being in a pre-caffeinated state when I wrote that, so it balances out.
I want to see him hopping around like Yoda in Episode II.
RPO is the dark side of nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake - a master of saying a lot while actually saying absolutely nothing.