Robert Posts Child


“I was going to publish this thoroughly researched article exposing widespread sexual misconduct until Matt Damon told me not to” isn’t maybe the best defense, journalistically-speaking.

I thought this was the film adaptation of the widely beloved Vin Diesel videogame Wheelman from 2009? As such, his name is clearly Vin Diesel, Jr.

That’s a valid approach, although I’m not sure what film is going to be able to overcome ‘artificial starvation’ what with being inherently bound by the natural progression of time and all.

Do like Luke in Episode IV. Trust in the force. Close your eyes. Don’t rely on that little viewing screen. Shoot your wad into that hole wait no back it up, wrong metaphor

Depends on the movie, but at least for me it’s less about plot points being given away and more about retaining control as an audience member. You want to be able to appreciate it on your own terms, not have the movie spoon-fed to you.  

I’m guessing from that header picture that Supergirl gave up on journalism to pursue a career as a country singer?

Oddly, all those Supergirls will be portrayed by Tatiana Maslany instead of Melissa Benoist.

The backlash on this thing is either gonna be real ugly, or - perhaps more likely - it is just never gonna reach the critical mass necessary for a backlash. Which I guess leaves it open to a good 25 years of being hailed as ‘underappreciated.’

Colossal is on Hulu now... and I only got like 10 minutes in last night but it seems good so far, will actually finish tonight. Also, the new Hulu menu is weird as balls, but the rewind function totally works now, which is great.

So, don’t go anywhere near the new one. Got it.

It’s short for Jacker.

I choose to blame Kinja.

I mean, honestly? In 2017? Hell fucking yes would I watch a Tyrese Gibson/Ludacris buddy action movie before I would go anywhere near a Rock/Statham movie. I know what the latter will look like and it sounds like half the movies I’ve skipped seeing for the past 5 years. Tyrese and Luda acting straight fools for 2

Chult! Fun to say, maybe not so fun to visit...

Or you can just go the Minority Report route and totally overhaul a major highway system in the D.C. area, abandoning all pretense of reality.

“Despite forcing himself into the conversation in an apparent grab at literary fame, Marc Colten’s Kinja comment fails to portray a nuanced understanding of the purpose of literary criticism, instead opting for a blunt, ham-fisted approach with little linguistic flare or creativity.” 

There’s an ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ joke in here somewhere...

Loved the original as a kid, but have no idea how it holds up. I’d have expected an Explorers remake over this, although maybe they’re making one last run at a shared cinematic universe...

I knew I liked the Dark Souls-ian abstacted approach to communication, but I’m increasingly aware of how much I preferred that games approach to joint ventures as well. What little I’ve seen of the Destiny raids gave me horrifying flashbacks of GTA Heists in regards to the level of obligation to other players that it